F.W. Parker Charter Essential School
January 2025 DevComm meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 7:30 AM
This meeting will be virtual on Zoom at this link: http://parker.school/developmentcommittee.
Fundraising is a conscious process of building a community of donors who are invested in the success of your work, both financially and otherwise. -Paola Cubias
Committee Members Present
B. Harrigan (remote), D. Van Patten (remote), G. Tang (remote), J. Fredericksen (remote), J. MacDonald (remote), J. Saxe (remote), K. Tedstone (remote), L. Acton (remote), M. Cole (remote), S. Cole (remote)
Committee Members Absent
M. Kosinski-Collins, S. Reinhorn
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
K. Tedstone called a meeting of the Development Committee of F.W. Parker Charter Essential School to order on Wednesday Jan 8, 2025 at 7:30 AM.
Approve Minutes
J. Saxe made a motion to approve the minutes from November DevComm Meeting on 11-13-24.
L. Acton seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Development 2024-2025
Updates from subcommittees
Next steps
Each subcommittee has their tasks they are working on.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
K. Tedstone
Each of the subcommittees reported their progress and questions for the group.
Parker Fund-
-Katrina updated the group on the fund progress. We are a bit behind last year and the plan is to use members of the Board of Trustees to do some stewardship calls.
-The group talks about the Save the Date postcard progress, ticket purchasing page that is now live, who we should ask to speak at the event, the progress of the solicitation letters for auction/raffle items, and music choices.
-Katrina will work with Brian about the speaker choices and how to use the Parker Ambassadors to write notes on the solicitation letters
-Marena will work on soliciting handmade items from faculty for the auction/raffle
-The group is working on the match ask and how to raise $10K and the participation rate from 2.7% to closer to the 15% goal.