F.W. Parker Charter Essential School
Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday December 12, 2024 at 6:45 PM
Parker School
Trustees Present
B. Harrigan, C. Beasley, C. Soderman, F. Fernau, J. Fredericksen, L. Hayner, M. Lindsey (remote), M. Turnbull, N. Odekirk Hatlevig, P. Gordon, S. Razzetti, S. Reinhorn, T. Testa
Trustees Absent
E. Moura, E. Sturgis, M. Beam, M. Edgar
Guests Present
D. Van Patten, K. Tedstone, M. Beganski, M. McKenna
I. Meeting Notes
Meeting Objectives
To prepare for this meeting, please do the following...
1. RVSP through Board on Track
2. Read the agenda and Head of School Report
3. Finalize committee goals in BOT before the meeting
II. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
M. Lindsey |
S. Reinhorn |
M. Edgar |
B. Harrigan |
S. Razzetti |
E. Moura |
C. Beasley |
M. Turnbull |
T. Testa |
C. Soderman |
E. Sturgis |
P. Gordon |
J. Fredericksen |
F. Fernau |
M. Beam |
N. Odekirk Hatlevig |
L. Hayner |
III. Strategic Plan Implementation & Development Consultant workplan
Strategic Plan Implementation
Brian said the development plan is one part of the strategic plan implementation.
Brian said the New Teachers Collaborative is being reimagined for as early as 2025-2026. He said a new DESE program called the Resident Teachers Apprenticeship Program (RTAP) is being explored.
Development consultant workplan
Brian Harrigan said Changing Our World has been selected as the Development Consultant.
Stefanie Reinhorn said the committee saw a range of applicants and felt that Changing Our World would push Parker to the next level. She said they offer professionalism, knowledge, and experience. Pam Gordon said Parker would learn a lot from them.
Brian said they will offer training and support as part of their work. He said the timeline has been extended by a month. They will attend the Board retreat on January 10th and formally launch their engagement at that time and will offer a fundamentals of fundraising presentation for the Board. A draft of their plan will be presented at the March Board meeting and a final plan and training on implementation will be presented in April.
IV. Head of School Report and Preparing for January retreat
Head of School Report
Brian said that NEASC Conference was a good opportunity to spread the word about Parker. He said Parker's talk was titled, “Performance Based Promotion – Putting Students at the Center of All Learning.”
Brian said the 8th Grade has grown and total enrollment is at 390. Brian said the budget is based on enrollment of 370 and the school is chartered at 400.
Pam Gordon said the Enrollment Committee discussed the pros and cons of a targeted mid-year lottery. She said a small mid-year lottery would be held and anyone is welcome to apply. The focus will be on those applying for 8th grade next year, former applicants, and siblings. Pam said the goal is to enroll five or six 7th graders.
Christina Soderman said maximizing enrollment in the lower grades helps to secure per pupil income. She said there is a limited window for adding students as students aren't admitted beyond a certain point.
Julie asked how staff feel about increasing the enrollment. Brian said staff has been unbelievable in response to enrollment challenges. He said staff does great proactive work to retain and recruit students. He said staff understands the direct benefit of increasing enrollment.
Board members discussed the need to address budgeting and staff for increasing numbers of students with IEP and 504s.
Brian said the Ambassadors are up and running and doing good work. He said Parker wIll again partner with Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster and run the Basketball clinic. Brian said the partnership is being leveraged for enrollment and staff hiring.
Brian said Monique is doing a great job creating material about the lottery shared the card that she created to advertise the lottery and info sessions. It includes a QR code / Learn More Link to help track interest.
Shawna asked if it is offered in other languages.
Brian shared that Parker's Niche profile is positive and encouraged Members to submit reviews.
Preparing for January retreat
Brian shared the agenda for Board retreat on Friday, January 10th.
2-3pm Student Portfolio Presentations
3-5pm Development Plan Kickoff
5-7pm Board Meeting
- Staffing and resources for Strategic Plan
- Midyear compensation adjustments
- FY26 Budget process
Board members decided to extend the end time from 6pm to 7pm to allow for sufficient time to address topics.
V. Finance and Facilities Committees and Model for investing reserves
Finance and Facilities Committees and Model for investing reserves
Martin Turnbull said the Finance Committee asked the Facilities Committee about funding needs for current facilities work.
Martin said Facilities estimates about $1.0 million is needed.
- $300k for sidewalk
- $300k for courtyard
- $400k for misc. Emergencies
Martin said a community donor has committed to providing funds for the courtyard project. The commitment is $500k over five years.
Martin said the Committee feels that investing in the Strategic Plan to assure continued viability needs to come before facilities modifications.
Michelle McKenna said Devens approved the sidewalk plan and it will go out to bid in the first or second week of January.
Christina Soderman said the Finance Committee is committed to balancing funding the strategic plan with being fiscally responsible. She said the Committee would like to better understand the funding needs of the strategic plan to make informed decisions and assure enough reserves for unforseen expenses.
Christina said the Finance Committee would like to know:
•Description of initiatives and timeline
•Any other competing priorities or requests
•Return on Investment - at what point will we expect initiative to be self-funding, if not a one-time expense
•What amounts are we comfortable with. What is the lowest amount we want to have on hand
Brian said the strategic plan group will meet and gather information before the Finance Committee's January 6th meeting.
Brian spoke about options for ways to revitalize NTC. He said the Strategic Plan Team will discuss these further and bring ideas to the Finance Committee as part of the information presented.
VI. Committees
Committee Reports
Development Committee
Katrina Tedstone said the fund is currently just under $84K which is above this time last year which was $75K. She said giving Tuesday was successful and the student ambassadors gave out cards at pick up
Stefanie Reinhorn said there is a goal of 100% Board participation by 12/15.
Katrina shared Development Committee goals.
- Successfully execute The Parker Fund with a goal of $225,000 and an additional 30th Anniversary Fund of $75,000.
- Create two successful events
- Parker 5K Fun Run 10/13/24
- 30th Anniversary Celebration 4/5/25
- Increase alumni engagement and support
- Work with Development Consultant to explore increased opportunities.
Enrollment Committee
Pam Gordon shared the goals of the Enrollment Committee.
- Support and advise the continued efforts to reach full and diverse
enrollment (see HoS goals for numbers). - Define the priority target audiences and collect data to develop a deep
understanding of their profile, needs and perspectives. (Aligned with the
Marketing Priority in the Strategic Plan) - Capture and analyze key metrics from past enrollment efforts to identify
successes and areas of growth to develop a data-driven strategy for future
recruitment and retention.
Facilities Committee
Martin Turnbull shared the goals of the Facilities Committee.
- Bid and execute sidewalk/wall project for summer 2025.
- Begin the planning phase of courtyard renovation project - timeline, budget, scope, design
- Support Strategic Plan rollout by determining minimum reserve level committee feels is necessary to have on hand for currently planned projects as well as potential facilities emergencies.
DEI Committee
Sonia Razzetti shared the goals of the DEI Committee.
- Advise Enrollment Committee regarding BIPOC student recruitment, acceptance, and
retention. - Support, advise, follow progress of school leadership and faculty level Equity in Action
work focused on adaptive leadership in the DEl space. - Identify and facilitate one equity related capacity building activity for the DEl committee
and Board of Trustees. - Long term/stretch goal: Begin to explore potential partnerships with historically BIPOC higher education institutions to develop a pipeline of BIPOC faculty.
Governance Committee
Nicole Hatlevig and Matt Lindsey shared the goals of the Governance Committee.
- Collaborate with Development to expand outreach and recruitment of
high potential individuals as potential trustee candidates. - Review and monitor Board norms to ensure full participation of hybrid
participants. If needed, develop and propose new norms for Board review
focused on effective hybrid meetings. - Develop, conduct, and review a midyear survey and end of year survey
focused on Board and trustee performance and effectiveness. - Recruit and present for the Board's review a prospective slate of new
trustees which sustains and expands the Board's ability to implement and
execute Parker's Strategic Plan.
Brian asked about bylaw work. Nicole said this is being addressed but is not a goal.
Finance Committee
Christina Soderman shared the goals of the Finance Committee.
- Support the implementation of the of strategic plan and facilities upgrades
by creating a model for investing and risk-taking including utilization of
reserves.- Review and update reserve policy as needed.
- Succession planning for chair position
Brian asked members to put these goals in Board on Track.
VII. Other Business
Comments from the Public
There were no comments from the public.
There were no votes taken.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 2024 December Head of School Report.pdf
1. To introduce our development consultant and workplan
2. To prepare for January retreat
3. To discuss the Finance and Facilities Committees plan for investing reserves