F.W. Parker Charter Essential School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 10, 2024 at 6:45 PM


Parker School

Trustees Present

B. Harrigan, C. Beasley, C. Soderman, E. Moura (remote), E. Sturgis, F. Fernau (remote), J. Fredericksen, L. Hayner, M. Beam, M. Edgar, M. Lindsey, M. Turnbull, N. Odekirk Hatlevig, P. Gordon, S. Razzetti, S. Reinhorn, T. Testa

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

E. Moura, M. Turnbull

Guests Present

D. Van Patten, K. Tedstone, M. Beganski, M. McKenna

I. Meeting Notes


Meeting Objectives

1. To frame the work of Year 1 Strategic Plan implementation

2. To provide feedback on the HOS and committee goals for the year


To prepare for this meeting, please do the following...

1. RVSP through Board on Track

2. Read the agenda, Head of School Report and Strategic Plan Implementation document

3. Bring a laptop computer if you have one

II. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

P. Gordon called a meeting of the board of trustees of F.W. Parker Charter Essential School to order on Thursday Oct 10, 2024 at 6:53 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. Razzetti made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Retreat on 09-13-24.
M. Beam seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Hayner
M. Turnbull
M. Beam
C. Beasley
M. Edgar
S. Razzetti
F. Fernau
J. Fredericksen
M. Lindsey
C. Soderman
E. Sturgis
P. Gordon
T. Testa
N. Odekirk Hatlevig
S. Reinhorn
B. Harrigan
E. Moura
M. Turnbull arrived at 7:06 PM.


Hybrid Norms

Pam Gordon presented norms for hybrid meetings (included in meeting materials) and asked what needed to be added.


Ellen Sturgis suggested that participants use the "raise hand" feature when they want to speak.  Stefanie Reinhorn suggested someone be assigned the role of watching the screen to notice raised hands. Members decided to do employ the raise hand feature.  Brian suggested all members bring laptops and be on screen during hybrid meetings.  


Members discussed whether or not to use the chat feature and decided not to use the chat during meetings with one reason being that comments in the chat are not available to attending members of the public.


Nicole said and the Governance Committee would be bringing revised norms to the Board soon.

III. Head of School Report and Goals


Head of School Report

Brian Harrigan said the recent hiking trip was successful.  Brian shared photos form the September Board retreat.  


He said enrollment is currently 387 students and shared that the 7th grade waitlist is exhausted and 9th grade enrollment is full.  Brian said offers will be extended to 8th graders soon and that waitlist is close to being exhausted.  Brian said if enrollment can stay in the high 380s, it will be a good year.


Brian said the goal for the Annual Fund this year is to raise $225,000 toward the operating budget.  He said the  30th Year Campaign seeks to raise $75,000 through events and campaigns associated with Parker's 30th Anniversary.


Head of School Goals for 2024-2025

Brian presented his Head of Schools Goals for 2024-2025.  

  • Consistently full and diverse enrollment - SY24-25
  • Development plan that generates $300,000 - FY25
  • Implement Strategic Plan - SY24-25

Details are included in meeting packet materials.

IV. Strategic Plan Implementation


Strategic Plan Implementation

Brian began the discussion by reviewing Parker's 2024-2029 Vision for Sustainable Growth (included in meeting packet).


Brian said the Strategic Plan Task Force has met twice since the Board retreat and they worked to incorporate Board feedback into the plan.


Brain said there was a lot of collective agreement about what to do in the first year.  He walked Members through goals for the first year. Details are included in the meeting packet.


Brian said that consideration is being given to use operating and/or reserve funds to contract with development/grant expertise to define and prioritize growth opportunities, potentially investing from reserves.  The proposed work would analyze existing organizational structure, identify current capacity, determine additional staffing resources, and budget and hire for new positions for FY26. 


Stefanie Reinhorn asked for clarification - if the proposed hiring would be FY26 and analysis and reorganization would be FY25.  Brian said this is correct.   Brian said an analysis will be done and the Board may be asked to vote to use reserve funds to hire a grant person. 


Sonia said expertise is essential to identifying and securing potential funding opportunities.


Katrina shared history about a 2006 feasibility study and fundraising and development work that followed.  


Christina Soderman asked how the analysis translates to opportunity identification.


Marie Beam said expertise will identify areas of opportunity and help to define internal structures.  She said a consultant would explore the investment of human resources and time in the different categories of fundraising and how to organize these. She said there would be an implementation plan, stages of investment, guidance to get things going, a clear pathway, and coaching.  


Brian asked how long timeline would be for this work and if enough could be done in three months.  Marie said yes.


Mara Edgar asked about the return on investment on this work.  Marie said a high return on investment is possible if the recommendations made are acted upon and implemented.

Marie said a consultant will construct a plan that is achievable and reasonable to implement.  She said those who do this work will help Parker understand how much can be raised and help find growth opportunities.  


Stefanie said grants are usually small part of the whole and that the fundraising plan is important.  She asked if a vote should be taken tonight to allocate the money for these efforts. Brian said FinComm had just been notified of these plans and a vote would be taken at a later date.


Members shared their thoughts about the investment required to do this work.

Matt Lindsey said teachers can't be paid from reserves but that money can be used to employ people to help raise more money for teachers.


Caroline Beasley said the School Reform Initiative (SRI) Fall gathering through the Center for Leadership and Educational Equity (CLEE) may be a good, no cost way to network and learn more.

E. Moura arrived.

V. Committees


Committee Goals for 2024-2025

Brian invited committees to share their draft goals for 2024-2025  These goals are included in the meeting materials.


Pam shared Enrollment Committee goals:

  • Support and advise the continued efforts to reach full and diverse enrollment (see HoS goals for numbers).
  • Define the priority target audiences and collect data to develop a deep understanding of their profile, needs and perspectives. (Aligned with the Marketing Priority in the Strategic Plan)
  • Capture and analyze key metrics from past enrollment efforts to identify successes and areas of growth to develop a data-driven strategy for future recruitment and retention.

Katrina shared Development Committee goals:

  • Successfully execute The Parker Fund with a goal of $225,000 and an additional 30th Anniversary Fund of $75,000.
  • Create two successful events- Parker 5K Fun Run 10/13/24 and the 30th Anniversary Celebration 4/5/25.
  • Increase alumni engagement and support.

Martin shared Facilities Committee goals:

  • Bid and execute sidewalk/wall project for summer 2025.
  • Begin the planning phase of courtyard renovation project – timeline, budget, scope, design.

Sonia shared DEI Committee goals:

  • Advise Enrollment Committee regarding BIPOC student recruitment, acceptance, and retention.
  • Support, advise, follow progress of school leadership and faculty level Equity in Action work focused on adaptive leadership in the DEI space.
    • Equity in Action (EiA) is a professional development series designed to help district leadership teams build capacity to confront their biggest challenges in obtaining equitable outcomes for students, including strategic impasses, pressure from key stakeholders, and community divides.
  • Identify and facilitate one equity related capacity building activity for the DEI committee and Board of Trustees.
    • In order for DEI committee and BoT members to better understand and build capacity to confront the biggest challenges in obtaining equitable outcomes for students, including strategic impasses, pressure from key stakeholders, and community divides.
  • Long term/stretch goal – begin to explore potential partnerships with historically BIPOC  higher education institutions to develop a pipeline of BIPOC faculty


Nicole shared Governance Committee goals:

  • Collaborate with Development to expand outreach and recruitment of high potential individuals as potential trustee candidates
  • Review and monitor Board norms to ensure full participation of hybrid participants. If needed, develop and propose new norms for Board review focused on effective hybrid meetings.
  • Develop, conduct, and review a midyear survey and end of year survey focused on Board and trustee performance and effectiveness.
  • Recruit and present for the Board’s review a prospective slate of new trustees which sustains and expands the Board’s ability to implement and execute Parker’s Strategic Plan.


Christina Soderman shared Finance Committee goals:

  • Support the implementation of the of strategic plan and facilities upgrades by creating a model for investing and risk-taking including utilization of reserves
    • Review and update reserve policy as needed
  • Succession planning for chair position

VI. Other Business


Comments from the Public

There were no comments from the public.


Investing Reserves into Strategic Plan

This vote was not taken.


Accept Audit as presented

Christina Soderman shared that the auditors issued an unmodified clean opinion and they gave kudos to Michelle McKenna for her skill and responsiveness to their clarifying questions.

C. Soderman made a motion to accept the audit as presented.
S. Razzetti seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Odekirk Hatlevig
M. Edgar
M. Beam
B. Harrigan
C. Soderman
T. Testa
S. Reinhorn
P. Gordon
C. Beasley
M. Lindsey
L. Hayner
M. Turnbull
F. Fernau
E. Moura
S. Razzetti
J. Fredericksen
E. Sturgis

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

P. Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Razzetti seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Lindsey
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2024 October Head of School Report.pdf
  • Strategic Plan Implementation - 2024-2025.pdf
  • FWP Charter Essential School 319015 FS24 23- Draft.pdf