F.W. Parker Charter Essential School
January Governance Meeting
Committee Members Present
A. Jolly (remote), B. Harrigan, G. Penna (remote), J. Fredericksen (remote), M. Lindsey, N. Odekirk Hatlevig (remote)
Committee Members Absent
F. Fernau, M. Edgar, S. von Conta, T. Testa
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
B. Harrigan
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Review Members Report and current board composition
Develop recruitment priorities & goals
Glenn Penna raised the need to recruit more than to replace trustees whose terms are ending. The committee agreed on a target of recruiting six trustees each year. Julie Fredericksen will reach out to Katrina Tedstone to connect about potential connections that exist through Development work. The committee will invite Katrina Tedstone to the February meeting to discuss her ideas for potential alumni and others for potential trustee seats in the upcoming class.
Applicant tracking system & Nomination process
The committee agreed to share and clarify the nomination process at the next Board meeting.
III. Other Business
New Committee Packet
The committee briefly discussed developing a packet of materials for new committee members. Julie and Nicole will collaborate to put together a draft.
The committee discussed the Members' Report results, noting Facilities and Finance as significant areas of potential skill gap as trustees rotate off.