F.W. Parker Charter Essential School


DEI November Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM


This meeting is hosted online.  http://parker.school/deicommittee

Committee Members Present

B. Harrigan (remote), G. Penna (remote), L. Hayner (remote), M. Silva-Rosa (remote), P. Gordon (remote), R. Whalen Crockett (remote), S. Razzetti (remote), T. Testa (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Vacca, J. Green

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Whalen Crockett called a meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of F.W. Parker Charter Essential School to order on Wednesday Nov 16, 2022 at 8:08 PM.


Approve Minutes

L. Hayner made a motion to approve the minutes from Diversity, Equity and Inclusion October Meeting on 10-19-22.
T. Testa seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion



Everyone shared what they are thankful for. List included: Graduate thesis is likely to be approved soon, kids are coming home for the holiday, returning to the US, the awesome volunteerism of our board members, Parker colleagues, life!


Presentation of Sub-Committee SMART GOAL 2022-2023

Sonia presented SMART GOALS. Group asked clarifying questions. More in Part D of agenda.


Specific: What exactly will you accomplish?

  1. Directly support BIPOC affinity group work within the Recruitment Taskforce that is focused on increasing Parker applications overall for the 2023 lottery; this includes 
  • A DEI subcommittee member(s) will serve on the Recruitment taskforce
  • Attending recruitment events to represent the DEI subcommittee efforts
  • Enhancing recruitment materials and recruiting events to attract BIPOC applicants
  • Planning 1-2 recruitment events with the recruitment taskforce that focus on recruitment specifically from BIPOC communities
  • 2. Longer term goal – monitor state legislation progress that would give preference to BIPOC applicants in the charter school lottery process.


Update on Recruitment Efforts

Brian reported enrollment challenges, the potential of adding another lottery for mid-year admission. Shared that there are more than 10 current ambassadors. The goal is to have about 20 from several community and 2-3 affinity groups. Questions about whether adding additional lottery could serve to increase or decrease BIPOC students. Adding any students will be helpful to the budget as well increase the chances of increasing diversity.



Plan and Delegation of tasks as they relate to goals.

Delegation of tasks:


A DEI subcommittee member(s) will serve on the Recruitment taskforce: Sonia, Mario and Shawna volunteered to serve as ambassadors/attend recruitment efforts.


Attending recruitment events to represent the DEI subcommittee efforts: Sonia, Mario and Shawna volunteered to serve as ambassadors/attend recruitment efforts.


Enhancing recruitment materials and recruiting events to attract BIPOC applicants: Pam will serve as point person for this. 


Planning 1-2 recruitment events with the recruitment taskforce that focus on recruitment specifically from BIPOC communities: Shawna will look into Leominster events where we might table (around the holidays).  Ruth will look into Ayer and Fitchburg events where we could do the same.  Brian is exploring a January event where the founder of Starfish Academy in The Gambia could come and speak about perseverance and her experience founding Starfish Academy, a school for girls in West Africa. This global event could serve as an educational event for Parker families as well as a recruitment even for future Parker families.  This committee could serve to publicize and increase attendance for the event.

We will check in via email on December 2nd to track progress.


Our next meeting will be help at 7:00 remotely on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022.



III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Whalen Crockett