F.W. Parker Charter Essential School
March Development Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 4, 2020 at 7:30 AM
Committee Members Present
D. Osofsky, H. Pierpont, J. Bartsch, J. Saxe, K. Tedstone, M. McKenna, M. VanderWilden, S. Reinhorn, T. Sumner, Z. Basma
Committee Members Absent
J. Churchill
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
K. Tedstone called a meeting of the Development Committee of F.W. Parker Charter Essential School to order on Wednesday Mar 4, 2020 at 7:30 AM.
Approve Minutes
J. Saxe made a motion to approve the minutes from January Development Meeting on 01-02-20.
H. Pierpont seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Development 2019-2020
Our Essential Commitment Fund
Katrina asked for feedback on a notice that will be handed out on PLP day by advisors. The group also talked about how to increase current family participation. Have a thermometer in the lobby of the school or a sandwich board outside during drop off and pick up. The group also talked about the follow through with meeting with community conversations. Todd, Katrina, and Jennifer are making meetings with people who we haven't yet had additional contact with.
Upcoming tasks/events
Katrina informed the group about the details of the 25th Celebrations-
-Caterer will do two options for main dishes (chicken and vegetarian)
-We have decided to go with china/silverware
-Bartender will be available during the cocktail hour and dinner portion (we are in the process of attaining a one day liquor license)
-Welcome reception will be catered by our kitchen and will hopefully be held in the courtyard
-Registration page is currently live
-The event postcard is at the printer
-A decorating committee is working on the aesthetics
Other thoughts-
-Can we have an overflow area if we sell out the dinner?
-Can we have sponsoring a ted talks an option?
-Can you pay extra for a teacher/alumni to be at your table?
Debbie and Katrina also informed the group about the recent first Alumni Council meeting. There were 15 alums involved from a large number of Parker classes. There is a lot of positive energy in this group and they are happy to help promote the 25th.
-Caterer will do two options for main dishes (chicken and vegetarian)
-We have decided to go with china/silverware
-Bartender will be available during the cocktail hour and dinner portion (we are in the process of attaining a one day liquor license)
-Welcome reception will be catered by our kitchen and will hopefully be held in the courtyard
-Registration page is currently live
-The event postcard is at the printer
-A decorating committee is working on the aesthetics
Other thoughts-
-Can we have an overflow area if we sell out the dinner?
-Can we have sponsoring a ted talks an option?
-Can you pay extra for a teacher/alumni to be at your table?
Debbie and Katrina also informed the group about the recent first Alumni Council meeting. There were 15 alums involved from a large number of Parker classes. There is a lot of positive energy in this group and they are happy to help promote the 25th.
Katrina briefly told the group about a recent MCPSA Advocacy Day at the State House. She also touched on a representative race in the 37th District that we are keeping an eye on
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
K. Tedstone