F.W. Parker Charter Essential School
Diversity and Enrollment Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 13, 2018 at 5:00 PM
49 Antietam St.
Committee Members Present
A. Hamilton, L. Warner, P. Madera, S. Reinhorn, T. Sumner
Committee Members Absent
C. Igoe, G. Penna, M. Mestre-Price
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
L. Warner called a meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of F.W. Parker Charter Essential School to order on Wednesday Jun 13, 2018 at 5:00 PM.
Approve Minutes
A. Hamilton made a motion to approve minutes from the Diversity and Enrollment Committee Meeting on 05-09-18 Diversity and Enrollment Committee Meeting on 05-09-18.
L. Warner seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Decisions and Actions
Advisory survey--pilot
Priorities for Summer/Fall
For the fall, there are a few priorities:
Todd will collaborate will colleagues to come up with a presentation about the work that the school and the Board has been doing. Todd will aim to present to the MCPSA in the fall, and the association will choose the proposal or not.
Aim for PLP day--10/12, to have conversations with families, and work in September to finalize the questions that you could ask families. They could take a short paper survey, they could do a quick online survey on i-pads or laptops, and we could try to generate interest in helping recruit/do enrollment sessions, join a focus group or join a larger conversation about race, equity and privilege.
Todd will collaborate will colleagues to come up with a presentation about the work that the school and the Board has been doing. Todd will aim to present to the MCPSA in the fall, and the association will choose the proposal or not.
Aim for PLP day--10/12, to have conversations with families, and work in September to finalize the questions that you could ask families. They could take a short paper survey, they could do a quick online survey on i-pads or laptops, and we could try to generate interest in helping recruit/do enrollment sessions, join a focus group or join a larger conversation about race, equity and privilege.
III. Closing Items
Summary and Next Steps
We looked at the calendar for the Board meetings, and tentatively set the date for 9/12 at 5pm.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Warner
*It makes us want to see a wider sample of student responses (both ethnically/racially and age)
*Open-response questions could help the teacher working group with planning conversations
*Keeping the survey under 10 minutes seems important
*Some advisories did very different activities and having them report on the same limits the interpretations
*The students were able to factually identify subgroups that are underrepresented
Next steps for Committee:
*Continue to push this conversation with Trustees and the community
*Internal work --how do we keep this on the 'front burner' with staff?
*External work-- what do we learn from the internal work to help us with the PR work?
*Recruiting families of color to join us; what has this experience at Parker been like for you?
*Think about timing for a parent focus group for next year (use some of the same questions we asked students)
-What is your current experience?
-Why are you here? How/why did you find Parker?
-What do you think are the best ways to get the word out?
*Continuing to think about the partners in this work (like Fitchburg Art Museum)
*Think about having individual conversations with families instead of a focus group
--For example, "second Tuesday of every month, we'll have a coffee and conversation focused around a specific topic," or in the afternoon during academic block
*Framing the conversation with "We need you and your perspective"