Friendly Academy
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Virtual Zoom:
Meeting ID: 927 0185 3934
Passcode: 389337
Notice is hereby given that Friendly Academy Board of Directors will hold a digital board meeting on
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. To join by Zoom copy and paste the following URL in a web
Directors Present
D. Morrison (remote), D. Neil (remote), D. Richardson (remote), L. Ray (remote), M. Jones (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Lauren Piscitelli (remote), T. Robinson (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Morrison called a meeting of the board of directors of Friendly Academy to order on Tuesday Jan 28, 2025 at 5:34 PM.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
D. Richardson made a motion to approve the minutes from November 2024 Friendly Academy November 2024 Board Meeting Agenda on 11-19-24.
D. Neil seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes from December Special Board Meeting
M. Jones made a motion to approve the minutes from December 2025 Special Board Meeting on 12-16-24.
D. Richardson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Mission Statement
Friendly Academy will equip students with a quality and wholistic education rooted in love.
II. Reports
CEO Report
- Enrollment should be at 75 students by end of the week.
Feb 3 2025 - lottery
Want 22 students by end of March 2025 - D.Neil
K and 1st - records from the previous school for 1st grade could be a lag in getting those records due earlier schools not being ready to hand out files. - Wrap Around Services for founding families.
Staffing; looking for Director of Ops and Dr of Academia (interviews this weekend - D.Neil-
- Q: start date
- A: March 2025 early in the month
- More marketing to come (Lauren to provide marketing reach quote)
- BOD needs 2 more members which have been emailed to each board member
- Tasks that need assistance with Tesha Robinson
- CEO Evaluation related to the goals of opening from the commission
- Policies for compliance needs review and feedback.
- Josyln; has considerations from board to get comments from members and ultimately adopt the policy. Possibly merge the versions for a good policy.
- Do other board members want to meet with candidates
- Bishop: it would be great to have influencers connected to the board - get a board assessment and find the opportunity gaps of the board to complement the board and invite people who have a heart for urban learning and reach outside the communities we belong for more funding (Mary Stillman, Danforth Family). Form committees to interview - recruitment - funding -
- Joslyn; get strategy recommendations and agree with M. Jones comment. when do we want to decide the next steps for candidate interviews and putting those candidates in front of the board. Joslyn / Denetria on a team for recruitment
- Finance committee not formed to keep team flexible and maybe have a task force or committee formed. A member from Believe is willing to volunteer with our team.
- Joslyn / Denetria are on a team for recruitment and want to have a process in place before August. What is outlined in CEO report is a good starting point.
- Grant writing, (Alesha) to be on the finance team.
- Good standing with the commission.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Morrison
Lauren Piscitelli reviewed;
Per Tesha Robinson;
Q (Michael Jones): What happens if things are delayed? What is best recommendation to think of next steps if funding does not come
A (LP); prioritize obligations (what is most important to spend on) and vendors needed (prioritize critical services for enrolled students). We do run the numbers and talk through the models with team. BOD can use Lauren for feedback for contingency planning.
Create projections and understand variables should revenue be needed. Lauren P. does work through contingency plans for us. The board is responsible for considering responses for the next steps should financial impact arise.
A (Lauren P); Based on a discussion with Tesha - there is a Charter School Growth Grant and other funding options per CEO report. There is a possibility that "Friends of Friendly" ($360k) related to building sale that can contribute. Friends of Friedley is a different board ad numbers have changed. Anything that affects this school affects Friends of Friendly; they are on the hook to pay the building note.
Where else we can get funding - Tesha should not be only board member to initiate campaigns for raising dollars.
Capital Campaigns will require planning and is a heavy lift for Tesha alone. Any grants we look at could be in the same stay and may have to rely on private donations.
BOD should plan for contingency funding (private donations).