Friendly Academy


Friendly Academy November 2024 Board Meeting Agenda

Date and Time

Tuesday November 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Notice is hereby given that Friendly Academy Board of Directors will hold a digital board meeting on
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. To join by Zoom copy and paste the following URL in a web

Directors Present

D. Morrison, D. Neil, D. Richardson, L. Ray, M. Jones

Directors Absent


Guests Present

T. Robinson

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Ray called a meeting of the board of directors of Friendly Academy to order on Tuesday Nov 19, 2024 at 5:43 PM.


Record of Attendance and Guests


Approve Minutes from October 2024 Board Meeting

Approval of minutes will be done next monthly meeting


Mission Statement

II. Reports



Lauren P. was unable to attend meeting 

Dr. Robinson did share the documents to all members 

  • CSP Amendment - Approved right under $2M
  • Reimbursements approved (CSP allowable amounts) - Founder to sign the final document from CSP about approval

Finance (Lauren P.) will be on finance committee meetings 

September report was in review; 

  • 15th of the following month - books will close (working on October report started on 10/15)
  • Uploaded to Board OneDrive 


CEO Report

BOD to think of items they would like to see on the next CEO report.

  • Currently have 18 applications on file for enrollment - aiming for 44 applications to ensure we have 22 students enrolled at time of school opening.
    • Clifton got 4 more applications at Guardian Angel daycare.
  • Friendly State of Enrollment (based on 100 students) tracker 
    • Vella is the repository platform to hold applications of prospective students.

Question: how does tracker take into account the time spent at an event and the number of people available to sign up (tool won't calculate based on guessing number of parents present at events - tool works on actuals that get manually added into tracker) 


  • Applications will be left open for a period of time to allow for more enrollment 
  • Hiring an Academic Leader (trial period to understand strengths and gaps) 
    • CSP reimbursable cost (hourly rate)

Question:  Provide an overview of the building and how it's going

  • Lenders came together to lend to prospective Charter schools - weekly meeting is held to review real estate action items, appraisal, etc. (Dr. Tesha Robinson and Bishop Michael Jones attend)
  • BOD will vote on facility monthly costs when determined. 

Question: Enrollment lottery 

  • SchoolAppSTL; reaches all schools in St. Louis area and reach parents.  We drive them to apply online and use the Vella system for lottery consideration.  Platform is new to St. Louis and has been used in Kansas.  
  • Lottery date is fluid for Friendly Academy 
  • Best time frame is mid-Jan early Feb. 2025
  • Cannot enroll until after lottery 

Question: Board training is that different from BOT?

  • Paid vs Free training 
  • Considering having a coaching consultant from BOT 
  • Budget does have a line item for coaching and legal counseling 
    • Legal contact included in the Board members OneDrive (Nov folder)
    • Denetria and Joslyn to meet and discuss options 

III. Action Items


Enrollment and Lottery Policy

D. Richardson made a motion to Vote on Enrollment lottery policy.
D. Neil seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Committee Selection

L. Ray made a motion to Table voting on committees and will receive timelines to vote next meeting.
D. Morrison seconded the motion.

Type of committees to be established:

  • Governance 
  • Finance 
  • Facilities
  • Academic (Not time to be established yet)

Take a look at the next set of deliverables from Martha (commission) and decide committees that need to be spun up.


Motion moved to be tabled until next BOD meeting in January by Bishop Michael Jones and seconded by 


Question: Next steps 

  • timelines needed for Denitria and Joslyn
    • Pre-Opening timeline 
    • BOT timeline (Brianna; BOT coach)
    • Engaging lawyer 



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Neil
D. Richardson
M. Jones
D. Morrison
L. Ray


2025 Board Meeting Schedule

L. Ray made a motion to BOD meetings to take place 4th Tuesday (excluding December and July).
M. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Jones
L. Ray
D. Neil
D. Richardson
D. Morrison


Financial Internal Controls

L. Ray made a motion to Approve financial controls.
D. Richardson seconded the motion.

Lawyer will take a look at the details in the controls.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Neil
D. Richardson
M. Jones
L. Ray
D. Morrison

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Morrison