International Leadership of Texas, Inc.

June 19, 2019 Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 19, 2019 at 6:15 PM CDT


1820 N. Glenville Drive, Suite 100, Richardson, TX 75081
Meeting Notice & Mission Statement
In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, timely public advance written notice (at least 72 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting) is given of the subjects the Board of Directors of International Leadership of Texas (the "Board"), and the Board will convene a Regular Open Meeting of the Board of Directors of International Leadership of Texas on the date and time and location set forth herein. It is the intent of the Board to have a quorum physically present at the above address.  Board members not physically present may participate by live two-way video and audio feed in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.  If a quorum of the Board cannot be physically present at the above address, it is the intent to have the presiding officer physically present at the above address.  The Board hereby certifies that this notice was posted on a bulletin board or on something akin thereto or at a place readily accessible and convenient to the public at 1820 N. Glenville Dr., #100, Richardson, TX 75081, as well as online at The items on this Agenda may be taken in any order. The mission of ILTexas is to prepare students for exceptional leadership roles in the international community by emphasizing servant leadership, mastering the English, Spanish, and Chinese languages, and strengthening the mind, body and character.

/s/ Finn Simmensen, For ILTexas' Board


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes of May 15, 2019 Regular Meeting
II. Public Speakers
Board Services
  A. Guests who spoke, if any
III. Report and Information Items
  A. CAO Report

  B. Superintendent's Report
  C. CEO Report
1. Enrollment Report
2. Personnel Report
3. Update on Growth/Expansion
4. Introduction of Architects
5. CEO Exit Report
IV. Board Action Items: Consent Agenda
The vote on this Consent Agenda Item applies to all of the following Items, together, except any Item as to which a separate vote is recorded hereinbelow or as to which remarks are recorded here removing that Item from this Consent Agenda Item:
i. (CONSENT ITEM B) Consider/Act on RFP 19-003, Armored Car Services
ii. (CONSENT ITEM C) Consider/Act on RFP 19-004, Curriculum/Instructional Materials and Office Supplies
iii. (CONSENT ITEM D) Consider/Act on RFP 19-005, HVAC/Electrical/Plumbing Supplies and Equipment
iv. (CONSENT ITEM E) Consider/Act on Resolution to Non-Expansion Charter Amendment to add Grade Level 9 to College Station K-8 Campus
v. (CONSENT ITEM F) Consider/Act on Resolution to Relocate ILTexas East Fort Worth - North Richland HIlls HS to ILTexas AGPHS Site (co-location)
vi. (CONSENT ITEM G) Consider/Act on increasing adult lunch and breakfast prices by approx. $0.50/meal
vii. (CONSENT ITEM H) Consider/Act on Approval of Comprehensive Needs Assessments and Campus Improvement Plans
viii. (CONSENT ITEM I) Consider/Act on Approving of disposal of used IT equipment

All pertinent attachments are appended to Items B-I immediately following this Item.
  B. Consider/Act on RFP 19-003, Armored Car Services
Discuss/Act to approve RFP 19-003 for Armored Car Services.
  C. Consider/act on RFP 19-004, Curriculum/Instructional Materials and Office Supplies
Consider and take possible action to approve RFP 19-004, Curriculum/Instructional Materials and Office Supplies.
  D. Consider/Act on RFP 19-005, HVAC/Electrical/Plumbing
Discuss and take possible action to approve issuing RFP 19-005 for HVAC/Electrical/Plumbing.
  E. Consider/Act on non-expansion charter amendment to add 9th-grade to College Station K-8
Discuss and take possible action to approve filing non-expansion charter amendment to add Grade level 9 at our currently operational College Station K-8 Campus.
  F. Consider/Act on approving non-expansion charter amendment closing EFW-NRH HS
Discuss and take possible action to approve closing the ILTexas Eas Fort Worth - North Richland Hills High School Campus.
  G. Consider/Act on increasing adult lunch and breakfast prices by approx. $0.50/meal

Discuss and take possible action to increase adult lunch and breakfast prices by approx. $0.50/meal.

  H. Consider/Act on approving Comprehensive Needs Assessments and Campus Improvement Plans
Discuss and take possible action to approve Comprehensive Needs Assessments ("CNA") and Campus Improvement Plans ("CIP").
  I. Consider/Act on approving of disposal of used IT equipment

Discuss and take possible action to approve of disposing of used IT equipment as itemized in appended list.

V. Board Action Items, not part of Consent Agenda, to be taken up individually
  A. Consider/Act on rescheduling July Board Meeting from July 24 to July 31
Discuss and take possible action to reschedule the July, 2019 Regular Board Meeting from July 24 to July 31, 2019.
  B. Consider/Act on May, 2019 Financial Report
Consider and act to approve Financial Report for May of 2019.
  C. Consider/act on final budget amendment for 2018-19 General Operation and Child Nutrition Budgets
Discuss and take possible action to approve final budget amendment for 2018-19 General Operation and Child Nutrition Budgets.
  D. Consider/Act to authorize CEO to amend 2018-19 budget to actuals
Consider approval of authorizing CEO to amend the 2018-19 budget to actuals.
  E. Consider/Act on adopting 2019-20 General Operating and Child Nutrition Budgets
Consider adoption of 2019-2020 General Operating Budget and Child Nutrition Budget.
  F. Consider/Act to approve ILTexas Policy Group 3: Students
Discuss/Act on approval of ILTexas Policy Group 3: Students.
  G. Consider/Act to approve ILTexas Policy Group 4: Personnel
Discuss/Act to approve ILTexas Policy Group 4: Personnel. 
VI. Executive Session
  A. Authorization
Closed Session for Any and All Reasons Permissible by Texas Law, including, but not limited to, Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083, 551.084, pertaining to any item listed on this agenda, as permitted by applicable law.
  B. Discuss Real Estate Issues (Section 551.071 Texas Government Code)
1. Discuss real estate in South Dallas County for potential expansion.
  C. Discuss Personnel Matters (Section 551.074 Texas Government Code)
Discuss issues related to CEO transition.
VII. Action Items from Executive Session
  A. Consider and take possible action on real estate items discussed in Executive Session
Discuss/take possible action regarding real estate items discussed in Executive Session.
  B. Consider/Act on Personnel Items discussed in Executive Session
Consider/take action on Personnel Items discussed in Executive Session.
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting