KTEC High School
September 2023
Date and Time
Monday September 25, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Andersson, J. Duchrow (remote), L. Svatek, P. Fegley
Directors Absent
J. Kopesky
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Duchrow (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
S. Duchrow (remote)
Guests Present
Angie Andersson, H. DeLuca
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Academic Excellence
Beginning of Year
Partner Update
Kite Fest
Snap On - supporting Ambassadors to go to KABA event
NC3 and Festo
Trades Day - Kurt Construction/Habitat for Humanity Amanda Kurt is very involved with Boards in construction trades, Oct 12th students will attend Trades Day
III. Finance
Spark Grant $250k finalist for Charter School Growth Fund, we received one question. They are funding 12 of 15 grants. Very few restrictions on spending it; it could cover budget items such as salaries.
$28k-$30k coming for special ed reimbursements.
Budget 2024
Budget revisions will be redone after grant determination in a few weeks.
IV. Facilities
Electrical is done!
V. Governance
Policy Updates
Seclusion and restraint policy needs to be adopted. Review and approve next month.
VI. Other Business
Closed Session
Behavior incident from last year.
Building update.
Behavior is huge improvement over last year. 3 referrals and no suspensions so far.
Professional learning. Project based learning taught by professional coach., Kyle. First quarter projects were planned during the professional learning week.
Very "new" staff are working well and collaborating well together.
Enrollment - about 8 or 9 students started with us and left. One new student started today. We;re at 62 for 3rd Friday count. We now have 63. We need to figure out financial piece with final student count.