River Valley Charter School


Development Meeting

Date and Time

Monday January 13, 2025 at 6:00 PM


River Valley Charter School Middle School Great Room

River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.

Committee Members Present

C. Getz, E. Bradley (remote), E. Rankin, K. Kuse, M. Curcio, T. Murdy

Committee Members Absent

A. Hromadka, J. Leslie, J. Makin, M. Connerton

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Rankin called a meeting of the Development Committee of River Valley Charter School to order on Monday Jan 13, 2025 at 6:06 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes

T. Murdy made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Meeting on 11-18-24.
C. Getz seconded the motion.

No change

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Development Initiatives - Winter -> Spring


Annual Fund Update

KK shared progress on the annual appeal mailing (sent out prior to the Holiday Break). Shared that contributions are approaching or are over $3000 in about 15 gifts so far since 12/20. Covered the cost of design, printing and postage.


Not all letters were sent at once and still a small group to send. 

*Note to make sure all board members had received an annual appeal.


We are planning for next year and how to proceed more smoothly = Collateral done over the summer and ready to go out in October (earlier than 2024 would be better). 


Tanya shared an idea: Create a social media reel that is a summary of things that we have done for launch in February. A reel to celebrate success and do a feel good round up - these are the things that you are donating to.


KK did a debrief with Michelle and Tricia and Debbie Campbell and wanted to add a few comments on how to improve. In the future we will handwrite envelopes. Need to look into new software that can help create groups and reports to help us be more organized. Karen is looking into options. In the future we will have class captains write thank you notes and Deb Campbell will address for us.


Overall, despite hurdles, annual appeal went well and was a feel good opportunity that is supporting the school and furthering culture of giving.

Areas to improve:

  • all board get solicitation
  • Need to make sure EVERYONE gets solicitation, and we can still follow up with community members and vendors as the year goes on, but next year will do all at once. 
  • Send an annual fund letter to new families - kinderhaus and other new families and take the moment to highlight the Montessori materials children will work with 
  • Need to decide how to handle two household families
  • In addition, the remittance should say “your gift starts here” in the stamp area
  • use thicker stock
  • determine postage costs in advance - this will help determine design

Any remaining to dos?

  • Thank you notes from KK, ER 
  • look into follow up opportunities as the year goes on
  • annual report of sorts that includes all of our community efforts like:
  • pettengill house giving
  • Holiday gift buying for families
  • Coins for a cause ($1000x2) from IFS

What about alumni giving and creating lasting connections?

  • Social media - make it more active, relevant therefore engaging
  • Alumni celebrations! - share accomplishments
  • Events and fundraisers include this group


Read A Thon

  • group effort to secure sponsorships 
  • language and list of potential sponsors is available to all committee members in board on track - add Minute Man
  • ER will input teacher names into online read a thon system with help from RVCS admin
  • get parent volunteers for in-class reading moments for all levels
  • connect with Jane to make sure messaging can go in the Current and check timing of current
  • plan the POST read a thon celebration for children - last year was ice cream/icy treats for children
  • Dress as your favorite literary character and ice treat celebration at the end.
  • Non-competitive messaging will connect with Jane Patterson this week 

Other topics:

Looking Ahead

ER & KK would love to pin down a development plan. Even though it's late in the year, it would give the committee direction and would be something we could pick up and expand on next fiscal year.


2025 Grandfriends Day - get connect information prior to school year start


Connecting with PA

Tanya shared PA updates

Playground hangout is being done with Elizabeth Farmaosa pitching in a representing PA and they have good turn out


Riverwalk bowling on a Sunday in the winter...date TBD


February Fundraiser

Two fundraising efforts are taking place in Feb. 

One is a Friday night movie night 1/31 organized by E2 students. It is a Family movie night for RVCS in the gym featuring Moana 2.


Then Saturday 2/1 at Newburyport Brewing Co. Das Pintos (RVCS parents) has generously offered to donate a portion of the evenings proceeds to RVCS! Please come to both if you can!

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Rankin