River Valley Charter School
Committee on Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 6:00 PM
River Valley Charter School Middle School Humanities Room
River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.
Committee Members Present
A. Ting, C. Getz, E. Bradley
Committee Members Absent
J. Nickerson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Committee on Trustees
Discuss CoT Agenda for 24-25
Facilitation and assessment of Board wide goals
Dashboard discussion
What metrics should COT Use-
Attendance at BOT (measures board engagement)
Non BOT committee member participation (measures community engagement)
Efficiency/effectiveness of BOT meeting (reporting on surgery)
Director metric— (create scale for Karen to answer on scale once a month regarding her relationship with BOT as a whole w/ one pro/con monthly)
Record training opportunities and what percentage are utilized
Metric tracking succession planning leadership
Board bi-yearly internal assessment
Utilize the resources already paid for to help us brainstorm or complete the internal assessment--Board on Track and Massachusetts Charter Public School Association
Remember to keep it simple as we approach a year when COT has a large agenda.
Actionable items
AT will email chairs of each committee to ask--
Any updates to Committee Description
Does your committee have any updates to by laws?
If so, make them known in the next 2 - 4 weeks.
Review agenda/Responsibilities for the 24/25 year
New board recruitment (Due date: April)
Annual retreat (Due date: May)
Update to committee description—reach to committee heads ensure all description are
Board Training, (Due Date: on going)
Make sure the BOT as a whole is aware of any state or regulatory agent changes
We are in charge of the board internal review/assessment (
Bylaw updating (i.e. make verbiage more reflective of 2024 and charge each committee hea with examine within their committee changes they’d like to see as a committee) (Due Date: On going)
Board goal track (making sure the other committee are making progress towards the goals laid out in the 2024 (Due Date: On going)
Keeping a pulse on general board health (vibe) (Due Date: On going, post BOT meeting survey fulfills this)
Find a way to ensure the efficiencies of committee (Due Date: On going) We need a Rubik!