River Valley Charter School


Accountability Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday September 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM


River Valley Charter School Middle School Great Room

River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.

Committee Members Present

C. Irose, E. Simone, J. Patterson, M. Mitchell-Daniels, N. Durkee, P. Ganley, R. Waterson

Committee Members Absent

A. Godino, K. Kuse, T. Murdy

Guests Present

D. Herrera

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Simone called a meeting of the Accountability Committee Committee of River Valley Charter School to order on Monday Sep 9, 2024 at 6:11 PM.


Approve Minutes

to start next AC mtg

II. Accountability Committee


Background, AC description


Attachment of calendar/agenda



Accountability Plan

consolidation of MS Word vs. Google Docs, etc.


update typos in "years renewed" on p.1


Question on criteria 1-10, but we show 1-4, clarify? The charter renewal is all 10 criterion, the accountability plan is academic success that focuses on Faithfulness to the Mission, Organizational Viability, and Student Success,


Discussion of draft from Jane and Karen

-potential recommendations covered today, would have to go back to DESE

-from Nancy, 2 items: 

--1. 2b, design element of educational experience to history/ecology. 10 activities for E2 was called out. Can that be relaxed to a lower #? In past, it was 3 across the board, all levels.

              Jane responded with-DESE said it has to be higher, more rigorous. Currently at 20 events in E2, so seems feasible. 

--2. 3b, COL. Is 3.5 out of 4 too tough? it used to be 3.0, Jane mentioned that it is required to be higher from DESE.

----from Denise - liked 3a, why would it not be available for 2nd measure down so trackable? 

------------------measure 1: discussions around measure 1a and is this attainable?

---1b - visual example of the GUI on DERS would be helpful

---should 75% be changed to 70% since there are 10 classrooms

------how can we bubble this DERS app info up to AC to get on the dashboard

----5% points increase yr over yr - can we do something to soften the language/qualify this metric? In case DERS goes under, what then? Qualify with "or similar".



-add "at least 3, 10, etc."

-is 3 enough for K-E1? Should we break out K from E1, 3 for K, 5+ for E1? Historically, 3 was met by all classrooms in E1 and Kinderhaus. 



-3a has been done by some classes not all, hoping to change to all with this measure



objective "4" (typo, missing #). Similarly, add "measure 4a", "...4b"

change to "over 5 yrs", not per year


general disaggregated data will need to be discussed at future point


Side discussion:

Caregiver survey no longer under Accountability plan. Survey moves more under management. Still per DESE, more around family engagement and inclusion, not so much accountability. AC role is to make sure this engagement is happening with Mgmt. 

III. Other Business


remaining agenda items

Screener due dates shared, to be added to minutes


Oct 4 - Dibels and acadience  due, K-8

Oct 11 - Kinderhaus/elementary adjustment cgeck due, grade k-6

Oct 18 - SAEBRS due, k-6, new students in MS



Feb 7 - Diebels and Acadience due, k-6, as needed for MS



May 30, 2025 - Dibels and Acadience Due, K-6, as needed for MS



Superintendent checklist. In progress, Jane and Karen to continue cleaning this up to share with AC. Can this go into AC documents so not shared public in case of sensitive information. 




Acadience and DIBELS data, printouts brought to mtg. 

n is small, and there's lack of consistency in who is actually taking the assessments, so hard to trend. Are Karen and Jane reviewing this? Yes they are.

Attach printouts




will MCAS be ready to discuss by next AC on Sept 30? Probably not per Jane, might have to push to following AC mtg. 



need to start adding follow up section, e.g. 2 months down the road



disaggregated data

-Patti and Nancy are currently standing non-parents on AC so they will have to be the ones following up on this task.



cadence of checking in on Acadience and Dibels - annual might make most sense. since the it is not the same pool of students each time. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Herrera