River Valley Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM


River Valley Charter School Middle School Great Room

The mission of the River Valley Charter School is to provide a rigorous academic program
based on the Montessori philosophy and rooted in the history, culture and ecology of the

Merrimack River Valley. Students will reach their full potential as scholars and become self-
reliant, productive members of society. They will be adept at critical thinking and creative

problem solving and will be fully prepared to succeed in future schools, careers and civic life.

Trustees Present

A. Godino, A. Ting, B. MacQuade, C. Getz, C. Whitford, D. Herrera, D. Mitchell, E. Bradley, E. Rankin, E. Simone, J. Nickerson (remote), M. Connerton, N. Durkee, P. Ganley, T. Murdy

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

K. Kuse

Non Voting Members Present

K. Kuse

Guests Present

A. Wetmore

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Herrera called a meeting of the board of trustees of River Valley Charter School to order on Wednesday Aug 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM.


Record Attendance


Board Expectations


Public Comment



II. Review Previous Board Minutes


Approve Last Board Meeting Minutes

E. Bradley made a motion to approve the minutes from board July Board of Trustees Meeting on 07-23-24.
A. Ting seconded the motion.

Minor typographical edits made.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve May Minutes

E. Rankin made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting on 05-15-24.
D. Herrera seconded the motion.

Minor typographical edits made.


These edits supercede previous board discussion on these minutes.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Director Update


Director's Report

The Director's Report appears in the Board Packet. Time is allowed in the meeting for questions regarding the report.


There are some leads on a School Psychologist. The backstop is a testing center. 


CGetz asked for clarification about the insurance for the archery program. KKuse says the program would happen Saturday mornings for three hours. Our River Valley policy (not insurance) says any organization using RVCS facilities needs 5M in liability coverage in order to use the facility. Artemis archery does not have that amount of insurance at this time. DHerrera says this should be brought to the Executive Committee because this is a management decision.  


CGetz wonders about the mold remediation. CGetz wonders if it could have come from the solar installation. BMcQuade says it's been happening long before the solar panels were installed.


MConnerton is wondering about the grounds design. KKuse, it is proceeding. But it may be changing. It is may need to be considered in phases. She feels strongly that it must happen; it is a matter of credibility and the children need the play space.


MConnerton, is thirteen withdrawals a lot? KKuse, I believe it's the same as last year. DHerrera: but it didn't all happen at the very end of summer. 


EBradley wonders if there will be exit interviews. KKuse, wasn't there for that conversation, but loves the idea. DHerrera, thought that it happened in an ad hoc way with a follow up contact from the director. PMcGintey, this would be good data, especially if there were set questions that became a recorded set of data. KKuse will send emails and reach out. 


TMurdy, Is Christina Carico being replaced? KKuse, not immediately, the staff of 9 is working well together. She would like to see how they work together before adding to the team.


PMcGintey, is this driven by the number of IEPs? KKuse, I don't think so. 


TMurdy, hearing wonderful things about the lunch and gratitude to DDraper.


DHerrera, update to The Current please. KKuse, the focus is on quality over quantity for communication. The weekly writing commitment from the teachers is changing to every other week. The Montessori Minute will also be included in The Current.

IV. Board Business


Committee Assignments

Finance Committee

Chair - Chris Whitford

Derek Mitchell


Accountability Committee

Chair - Eric Simone

Denise Herrera

Tanya Murdy

Nancy Durkee

Achala Godino
Patricia Ganley


Development Committee

Chair - Elizabeth Rankin

Meg Connerton

Chris Getz

Tanya Murdy

Erin Bradley


Committee on Trustees

Chair - Albert Ting

Erin Bradley

Chris Getz

Jonathan Nickerson

Beth MacQuade


Executive Committee

Denise Herrera

Albert Ting

Chris Whitford

Erin Bradley



Upcoming Committee Work

Accountability is reviewing the Accountability Plan. The plan will go the the committee tomorrow morning. Management has submitted it to DESE. There have been two revision asks. We have a provisionally approved plan. Accountability will send back to Management, back to DESE, back to Board for final approval.


Finance, the next meeting will mainly be about the audit. The audit is almost complete. It is scheduled to be approved at the October meeting. 


Development is working on the annual appeal.

Committee on Trustees is working on a board and committee self assessment. DHerrera: how often does the board take a survey? ATing: assessments alternate yearly between internal and external.

V. Closing Items


Public Comment


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Herrera


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