River Valley Charter School
July Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday July 23, 2024 at 2:30 PM
The mission of the River Valley Charter School is to provide a rigorous academic program
based on the Montessori philosophy and rooted in the history, culture and ecology of the
Merrimack River Valley. Students will reach their full potential as scholars and become self-
reliant, productive members of society. They will be adept at critical thinking and creative
problem solving and will be fully prepared to succeed in future schools, careers and civic life.
Trustees Present
A. Ting (remote), C. Getz (remote), C. Whitford (remote), D. Herrera (remote), E. Bradley (remote), E. Rankin (remote), E. Simone (remote), M. Connerton (remote), N. Durkee (remote), T. Murdy (remote)
Trustees Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
K. Kuse (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
K. Kuse (remote)
Guests Present
A. Wetmore (remote), B. MacQuade (remote), D. Mitchell (remote), J. Nickerson (remote), P. Ganley (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Board Expectations
Denise read the statement listing the expectations of Trustee.
The River Valley Charter School Board of Trustees is committed to promoting a culture of accountability, integrity, and transparency. We expect our board members to demonstrate the highest level of ethical conduct and integrity in all aspects of their service. Board members must:
Act in the best interest of River Valley Charter School and its mission.
Attend board meetings prepared and on time.
Maintain an open mind and recognize the value of each board member’s input.
Contribute to meaningful discussions and decision-making processes.
Respect the opinions of other board members and show support for the majority’s decisions.
Set a positive example of behavior.
Actively participate in fundraising activities and events.
Remain current on financial information and legal documents pertaining to the organization.
Respect the roles and responsibilities of other board members and staff.
Respect the confidentiality of board meetings and information shared by board members, as appropriate.
Avoid any form of discrimination or harassment.
Act with integrity and professionalism in all dealings with the school, its staff, and members of the community.
Public Comment
II. Review Previous Board Minutes
Approve Last Board Meeting Minutes
Erin corrected a typo.
Roll Call | |
E. Simone |
C. Whitford |
E. Bradley |
C. Getz |
N. Durkee |
T. Murdy |
A. Ting |
M. Connerton |
D. Herrera |
E. Rankin |
III. Director Update
Director's Report
The audit, annual report, policies and procedures are in the works.
The school is full enrolled.
Looking for part time school psychologist, very part time Spanish teacher.
School lunch program is really exciting. The equipment, provided by grant money, has been dropped off. All dietary and allergy needs are being met; lunches and breakfasts are being provided. Extra meals are available for purchase.
ERankin - Can orders be placed the night before? KKuse - Triton says yes, parents can order the night before, will confirm at upcoming meeting. Breakfast is included with lunch
EBradley - Is there a form to fill out to participate? KKuse - Families must sign up, but all are eligible. No personal financial information is needed.
There is an email circulating trying to get a meeting going with city and neighbors regarding grounds redesign. Biggest challenge is redirection of traffic flow. Second is reworking wetlands.
Adding archery to the school.
Reviews in Great Schools have been moving up. A great positive for RVCS.
Mass Charter Public School Association is coming to RVCS at the end of July.
IV. Board Business
Board Business Topics
Medical and Behavioral Health Emergency Response Plan
ERankin - Should all front desk staff be included as key personnel?
DHerrera - They are not all considered key personnel.
ERankin - Who is the student response team? Does it need to be defined? The same for the medical response team? Etc.
DHerrera - This is all management work. If KKuse and her team doesn't follow through that is another issue. As governance, this document wording fine. This document only updated when there is a change. The only change here is adding behavioral health.
EBradley - Format and language is outstanding. Parents should be required to be notified, is that superseded by Mass law?
ERankin - Believes this document does cover that; NDurkee mentions it is covered on Page 7. This has been confirmed.
EBradley - Is the phone number for the school nurse her personal cell phone?
It is not.
NDurkee - Can we state contacting parents in context? This second paragraph is unclear:if necessary, notify the parent/ legal guardian of the student or the emergency contact for faculty/ staff and inform them that the person is being transported to a medical facility if the information is known at the time of the call.
DHerrera - Agrees that the parents should be notified and we should drop "If necessary".
Roll Call | |
D. Herrera |
N. Durkee |
C. Whitford |
T. Murdy |
M. Connerton |
E. Rankin |
E. Simone |
C. Getz |
A. Ting |
E. Bradley |
Student Opportunity Act
2020 brought to forefront, derailed by Covid, we are now catching up and KKuse has written up the policy. It makes sure all students have the opportunity to succeed.
KKuse: We have looked at all of our target groups. We have identified our groups who may struggle the most. We have found ways to help not only the students but their families. Lisa Kelley and Jonnie Lyn Evans helped with the research. We will be doing the full report every three years. In this very monochromatic area, the students struggling the most are special needs and students with disabilities and a few disadvantaged.
EBradley - Is this something we submit every year?
DHerrara - Every three years.
Roll Call | |
T. Murdy |
C. Whitford |
E. Rankin |
A. Ting |
N. Durkee |
E. Simone |
C. Getz |
E. Bradley |
M. Connerton |
D. Herrera |
V. Closing Items
Public Comment
Adjourn Meeting
Vote to adjourn:
ATing - yes
CGetz - yes
DHerrera - yes
ERankin - yes
ESimone - yes
Bradley - yes
MConnerton - yes
NDurkee - yes
TMurdy - yes
Chris Getz, Chris Whitford, Erin Bradley and Nancy Durkee each arrived a few minutes late and missed the voted to approved the June meeting minutes.
Chris Whitford left a few minutes early.
DHerrera welcomes the Board of Trustees to the first meeting of the 2024-2025 River Valley Charter School school year and acknowledges the new members present. She offers gratitude for their attendance and thanks them for their patience as their wait until the next meeting from DESE for their voting rights to be approved.