River Valley Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM


River Valley Charter School. 2 Perry Way, Newburyport. Middle School Great Room

The mission of the River Valley Charter School is to provide a rigorous academic program
based on the Montessori philosophy and rooted in the history, culture and ecology of the

Merrimack River Valley. Students will reach their full potential as scholars and become self-
reliant, productive members of society. They will be adept at critical thinking and creative

problem solving and will be fully prepared to succeed in future schools, careers and civic life.

Trustees Present

A. Fields, A. Ting, C. Getz, C. Martin (remote), C. Whitford, D. Herrera, E. Bradley, E. Rankin, M. Connerton, N. Durkee, T. Murdy

Trustees Absent

E. Simone

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Ting

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Evans

Non Voting Members Present

J. Evans

Guests Present

KAREN KUSE, Karen Popken

I. Opening Items




Call the Meeting to Order

D. Herrera called a meeting of the board of trustees of River Valley Charter School to order on Wednesday Jun 5, 2024 at 7:07 PM.


Record Attendance


Board Expectations

Laminated in from of us, explained by DH to KK, consensus by BOT and those in attendance that we will behave in accordance. 


Public Comment


II. Montessori Minute


Montessori Minute

Physics Fun For Everyone! 

Condensed thumbnail of the material she presented at a National Conference in FL this past year with her co-teacher and another E1 teacher, Jane Noyes. 

Some examples of topics discussed-- Matter in all forms, the atom, Sound and Electricity 

Reviewed experiments/command cards and Montessori materials available to teach physics 

A. Ting arrived at 7:22 PM.

III. Director Update


Director's Report


Grounds Project- Update

Reveal is TOMORROW 6 to 8pm 

The childcare option will be Nell (KH teacher), not the originally proposed group. 

Wetlands issues were raised again as we had some issues regarding parking and entrance redesign. 

Two significant donations today-- JLE and a grandparent from Karen's school in SC, hoping this kicks off the community effort for fundraising effort.  "Donations need to come from top down... ".

This project is looking most likely a phased roll-out project, more so than originally thought.





IV. Board Business


Board Business Topics

The Executive Slate for next year needs to be voted on.

Committee assignments to be reviewed and dates for 2024 - 2025. 



Officer Slate Vote

A. Ting made a motion to Motion.
C. Getz seconded the motion.

Motion to elect the following executive slate- 

Denise Herrera as chair, Albert Ting as vice chair, Chris Whitford as treasurer and Erin Bradley as secretary for the RCVS BOT for the 2024 - 2025 term. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Whitford
E. Simone
A. Fields
M. Connerton
A. Ting
C. Martin
T. Murdy
E. Bradley
C. Getz
D. Herrera
N. Durkee
E. Rankin


Appointment of Assistant Secretary

Appointment by Chair in line with our by laws----- Anna Whitmore appointed as assistant secretary. 


FY 25 Calendar & Committee Assignments

V. Finance Committee


Approve Minutes

D. Herrera made a motion to approve the minutes from Finance Committee Meeting on 05-29-24.
T. Murdy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Update


Surplus Vote

C. Whitford made a motion to Approve a transfer of $102,000 from unrestricted cash reserves to restricted capital reserve funds for future capital improvements per the capital needs assessment plan.
E. Bradley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
E. Bradley made a motion to To authorize the school to utilize surplus revenues up to a total of $85K. These funds are to be used at the Director’s discretion for items including staff compensation, classroom furniture and equipment, technology, and Montessori Materials. These funds would be spent prior to fiscal year-end.
C. Getz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY 25 Budget

D. Herrera made a motion to To pass FY 25 Budget as is.
C. Whitford seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Committee on Trustees


Approve Minutes

D. Herrera made a motion to approve the minutes from Committee on Trustees Meeting on 05-29-24.
C. Getz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


CoT Update

New member orientation  8/24 and 8/25 

The board retreat was a great morning all together-- impressed by everyone's participation and how enjoyable it was to gather and have meaningful experiences together.   


Board Goals-- overwhelming themes came through from those who responded 

1. Successfully onboarding New Interim Director 


3. Better board time management 

4. Continued Development Strategy-- continued giving, community engagement and education 

5. Policy Organization 

6. Create and track DEIJ for a fair org. within our governance 

7. Dissemination of program 


What commitments should the above goals live in? 

1. EC 

2. Each of the committed heads will take this on 

3. COT 

4. Development 

5. EC

6. COT

7. Development


Homework each committee will create the wording of the goal and outline the metrics of obtaining the  



VII. EC Committee Business


Approve EC Minutes

D. Herrera made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Meeting on 05-29-24.
T. Murdy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Accountability Committee


Approve Accountability Meeting Minutes

Did not meet quorum. 



Accountability Update

Conversation between DH and AT and Patrick Buckwalter--

Accountability needs to have examination of disaggregated data reflected in the minutes. 


ND-- Has reviewed all the parents survey and will write a summary to share with the board at next meeting. 

IX. Development Committee


Approve Development minutes

D. Herrera made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Committee Meeting on 05-20-24.
T. Murdy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Development Update

Created a letter summarizing what efforts and achievements have been accomplished.


X. Closing Items


Public Comment


Board Survey


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Herrera