River Valley Charter School
Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM
River Valley Charter School. 2 Perry Way, Newburyport. Middles School Great Room
River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.
Committee Members Present
C. Getz, E. Rankin, J. Evans, L. Sisson, M. Connerton, T. Murdy
Committee Members Absent
A. Hromadka, D. Herrera
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
L. Sisson
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Review Previous Minutes
II. RVCS 25 Anniversary
Next steps in the 25 year campaign
Habits of Learning - 8 C's
- May "Celebrating Critical Thinking" article is done, ER sent article to Jane and going in the Current on Wednesday 5/22
- June "Looking back on the year" + impact statement are in progress - ER working on both for the first week of June Current submission
- Development team was asked to please access draft impact statement google doc to help edit or include information inadvertently omitted.
- In-kind donation survey feedback will be added to this doc. Jane will share with teachers & staff during PD time on early release Wednesday 5/22
Grounds Project
June 6, 2024 Reveal event at Mill 77, Amesbury and flow of evening
- What to expect - board and subcommittee members will be ambassadors for the school engaging with guests and helping to understand community reception of the Grounds Redesign and all of its possibilities
- This event also serves as a soft launch for the fundraising campaign effort and to see what components of the project resonate
- Short program for the evening that includes JLE, Denise, and Copley Wolff
- Beer, food truck and light appetizers as well as music
- There will be a community connection card available containing information on how to support the project as well as a seed packet take away with a QR code connecting to the Grounds page
- Messaging to community will clarify fundraising campaign are 3 different avenues of fund generation - development are focused on community support
- This process is open for feedback, and we are working within the Development Committee Campaign Plan presented earlier this year
- This is the beginning of a community engagement campaign
- There will be able myriad levels of community giving available
- To be clear, we are not at a place where we have contractors nor have we made any commitment to a design or to any component of the design. The schematic will include elements that may not appear in the final plan - this event will share with the community what is possible.
- It was clarified that at some point we will be able to see costs of individual components
Capital Campaign timeline, communication and goal setting
- Check in; where are we relative to the dev committee campaign plan? Need to talk about fall fundraising event, select date and create planning committee
- What should we ready ourselves for in August?
- November 15 was chosen for a fundraising event
- Need location, invite, sponsors
- Type of event - celebratory - not a sit down, but high tops
- Theme? Party like it's 1999!
- Consider fundraising components, auction baskets, etc
- Party Committee needed
Looking ahead 2024-2025: Agree on plan and prep
Review plans for PA Calendar year
- Please review the Impact statement and make additions.
- Use impact statement as a guide for PA for next year.
- Get dates on the calendar for the whole community - prevents overlap and allows community members and volunteers to plan
- Delineate costs of each event so the school/interim director can quickly understand value and investment
- Thank volunteers who pitched in - I counted 60 for the luncheons and 46 for appreciation week - a significant volunteer force
Draft task management sheet to populate to keep events on track
- November Celebratory event $100K fundraising goal
Due to a software glitch, there was no new fundraising information to review.