River Valley Charter School
Executive Committee meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM
River Valley Charter School, 2 Perry Way, Newburyport, MA. In the Great Room, Middle School.
River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.
The mission of River Valley Charter School is to provide a rigorous academic program based on the Montessori philosophy and rooted in the history, culture, and ecology of the Merrimack River Valley. Students will reach their full potential as scholars and become self reliant and productive members of society. They will be adept at critical thinking and creative problem solving and will be fully prepared to succeed in future schools, careers and civic life.
Committee Members Present
A. Ting, C. Whitford, D. Herrera, E. Bradley
Committee Members Absent
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Succession Planning
Financial Update
Budget discussion- will continue to review budget and will send to vote for June Board meeting
YTD Financials are in a good place
EC Business
Staffing for next year--
JLE- "still working the plan"
Numerous assistants/co-teachers shifting
Two open position-
School psychologist position with be open
Jen Ryan T/W/Th
Grounds Project Update--
Community Vision Event--Well attended and warm event. Very cool to see kids and family together in more of a community volunteer
Copley and Wolfe have been easy to work with next meeting anticipate at Mill 77 w/ 2 -3 design for final approval
Meeting with foundational donor (nonprofits and come from communities, families, or corporations)
Founders Lunch and Invite into school for COL
On going pond stuff-
A sewage pipe was discovered that runs a narrow length front of the property that the town owns
5/21-- On boarding a new Leader Webinar DH would like as many board members as possible to attend
DESE and Mass charter aware of leadership change
Annual Report due 7/31-- required board vote v. best practice to have board vote. Do we need a July Board meeting
June meeting will be when we vote on Officer Slate thus making it the Annual Meeting and potentially discuss committee goal or get primed to do them
Looking forward to next year -
leadership position next year-- Need/Open clerk/secretary position, EB stepping down
Treasurer, Vice Chair and Chair have expressed interest to remain in their EC position but other BOT members may also run for those positions
Accountability Committee needs a lot of support going into next year as there will be changes to parent survey, dashboard creation and other heavy lifts. Consideration of Co-chairs discussed.
Set Agenda for Board Meeting
Agenda for next week's BOT agenda reviewed.
CW-- Attended workshop board on track workshop with JLE, template offering and reviewed and Kudos given to JLE from CW that her documents were very detailed and thoughtful done as compared to templates offered
DH-- Can the board to anything to help move the document along or to support you/JLE in doing so?
JLE-- Nothing the board can do to support at this point.