River Valley Charter School
Accountability Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM
River Valley Charter School, 2 Perry Way, Newburyport. Middles School Great Room
River Valley Charter School welcomes your participation at Board meetings. The purpose of a public meeting of the Board of Trustees (“Board”) is to conduct the affairs of the organization in public. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school and assists the Board in making the best decisions for our school. To assist you in the ease of speaking/participating in our meetings, guidelines are provided at the bottom of this agenda. All materials for all board and committee meetings, are available on our Board on track public portal found at rivervalleycharter.org.
Committee Members Present
D. Seaton, E. Seaton, E. Simone, J. Evans, J. Patterson, M. Mitchell-Daniels (remote), N. Durkee, T. Murdy
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Fields
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Minutes link is not currently set in this invite but is in prior meeting entry from Oct 30, 2023.
Roll Call | |
M. Mitchell-Daniels |
D. Seaton |
N. Durkee |
E. Seaton |
J. Evans |
J. Patterson |
T. Murdy |
E. Simone |
II. Dashboard working group
BoT Dashboard - appoint working group
David, Erin, Nancy,
Ali mentioned a few potential volunteers, not currently part of BoT
Mason and Ali as maybe's
Logistics TBD once group confirmed
III. AC RnR update
Update of AC RnR
draft circulated via email by JLE, draft from 2017-2018 supplied via Mason.
plan for team to review and add/update as/if appropriate.
Final version to be provided to Jane for publication to the RVCS website
Quick observations:
Emphasis on parent survey. Is it appropriate? Suggested offline in discussion between Denise and JLE to have just ~4-5 key BoT Q's in the survey, rest of survey is really not governance and more management, i.e. should go to JLE alone.
Nancy - AI - to circulate the Word version to team to review and make edits
MCAS scores needs to be updated to go through 3rd grade and up, not 4th and up.
IV. Update on the Renewal Summary of Review
update on the Renewal Summary of Review
JLE to turn in tomorrow
application was sent ~ end of Aug
Audit was in Oct
summary of review of received on 3rd
-can only provide minor amendments
1. Access and equity point raised. recruitment and retention - of those, how many are of different background (DEI). We lost a few special ed E2 students last year - JLE is looking into if there were
2. Governance area - DESE wants us to aggregate the data, etc., but given our small #'s in different groups (like special ed, or a specific minority), you'd easily/inadvertently breach confidentiality. JLE is looking into what additional data could be provided.
3. Attendance brought up again under Accountability rating. We've been flagged again. No difference between excused and unexcused. Abuse of policy by those who take family vacation. This a global issue, not just RVCS, but still need to consider this as we are a Charter. We could write a policy in line with other Charter schools that those with an excess of XX days of unexcused absences will lose their lottery slot. If this remains a repeat demerit, it can result in loss of the school charter.
-Erin - suggestion, flexing the school calendar so people are less "able" to take more "unexcused" absences (vacation day of the week vs. when we start and end the year or vacation breaks).
-Mason - suggestion for JLE to send a note to the school. Was also reading an article on chronic absenteeism. Similarly, ES had reviewed MA data that was showing this is a rampant problem.
-award system for those who do well with attendance, positive reinforcement approach
-or wait until DESE addresses the broader issue
In April, we'll have to have a new Accountability Plan drafted and circulated to faculty? to get input.
V. Other Business
DIBELS Data 2023-2024 snapshot discussed
the small sample size can exacerbate the %'s
longitudinal analysis across past 3 years is challenging given there is a learning curve on RVCS' part. JLE moved towards having same administrator of the exam to help eliminate some of the noise.
Potentially could be added to Dashboard, but utility is questionable given the poor quality of the data thus far.
JLE comment: originally written in to use TeraNova to assess academic achievement.
Andy eliminated this, partially due to extensive time committment required.