River Valley Charter School


RVCS Board Meeting

Agenda Meeting 303

Date and Time

Wednesday October 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM


2 Perry Way 

Newburyport, MA 


Trustees Present

A. Fields, A. Ting, C. Getz, C. Martin (remote), C. Whitford, D. Herrera, E. Bradley, E. Rankin, E. Seaton, K. Jackman, M. Connerton, N. Durkee, T. Murdy

Trustees Absent

E. Simone

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Evans

Non Voting Members Present

J. Evans

Guests Present

Gaurdians and students from Montessori Minutes, Rebekah Waterson

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Herrera called a meeting of the board of trustees of River Valley Charter School to order on Wednesday Oct 18, 2023 at 7:02 PM.


Record Attendance


Montessori Minutes

7:10 Montessori Minute—Grace and Courtesy Overview from E2 classroom- Ali Fields and 4 E2 students 


Public Comment


Approve Minutes

D. Herrera made a motion to approve the minutes from September Board and Committee Meetings.

DH made correction comments

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Director Report


Director's Report

Director’s Goals for 2022/2023 year- to review and file

D. Herrera made a motion to Approve and file the 2022-23 Director review.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

Director’s Goals for 2023/2024 Year

CW 1st motion 


D. Herrera made a motion to Approve directors goals for 2023-24.


DH—Read out goals to encourage discussion (see October board packet for goals) 

ER—Ask re: midyear review

DH- In January 

EBI—Lofty goals, agreed and it 

DH- Agreed large scope of goals, JLE will work to lean on her staff 


DH- The will turn over and new goals will be inserted unless the goal needs to carry over 

MC- Are the goals for the staff this formal 

JLE- They are stated but not as formal 

JLE—Focus groups will be during school hours to look at staff goals 

DH- Remember that we are governance and not management so how she manages staff or plays out their goals that is not on the BOT.

JLE- Is there an expectation that there is accountability across classroom fall to JLE only

ES—In the classroom experience or in the student outcome that we are looking to equalize. 

Clarification— JLE was asking about tangible classroom experiences, no subjective equalization

MG—Framework for equality would be expected, right? 

TM- is there any concrete framework that exists now? 

JLE- Not formally  

DH—triaging this to accountability as this would make the most sense to have that committee look into ways they can support this goal 

2nd Motion DH


Denise Herrera

Ken Jackman

Tanya Murdy 

Meg Connerton

Elizabeth Rankin 

Erin Bradley-Irose

Chris Getz

Albert Ting

Catherine Martin 

Chris Whiteford 

Nancy Durkee

Erin Seaton 






The board VOTED to approve the motion.

Director presented Report

Director’s report 

EBI-- JLE—updates/things she would like to highlight 

JLE provided these-- 

“Practice drills” collaboration w/ local schools to ensure safety/transportation in the setting of emergency. Invisible to students but occurred Monday- Wednesday 

Renewal visit – 6:20 – 6:30 on Monday

Visited ever classroom, meet with a focus group. 

KJ- are there areas of enrollment that we are concerned about, specifically if there were a withdrawal at certain grade would it compromise enrollment numbers. 

JLE- Waitlist is robust, but it is light is the middle school 

ND- clarification re: backfilling in the past 

JLE- Laws have changed

CW—asked about the updates re land around school 

DH—Gave over overview of what the land not being protected  wetlands means 

III. Development


Development Update

25th years of Montessori Made Public 

Letter shared and plan on several strategic ways to ask over the next year outlined 

IV. Accountability



8th grade across the board outperform sending district in all topics 

DH—Accountability goal being discussed-- how to present accountable info in a dashboard way 

AT- Remembering what KJ said at our last meeting- let’s celebrate this—our graduates are consistently coming full circle in education and outperforming  sending district students, over the last 4 years


V. Finance


Review & Vote on Audit

D. Herrera made a motion to Approve the results if the audit as presented.

VOTE Accept results of 2023 Financial Audit

1st motion DH


430,000 surplus 

JLE—Due November 1st, assume central source will submit. 

DH- This new process/Using Daniel Denis (v. AAF) was smooth and less stressful. 

The only thing missing- comparison of other Charter’s audit and how we compared to other Montessori schools 


2nd motion CW

VOTE Accept results of 2023 Financial Audit


Denise Herrera

Ken Jackman

Tanya Murdy 

Meg Connerton

Elizabeth Rankin 

Erin Bradley-Irose

Chris Getz

Albert Ting

Catherine Martin 

Chris Whiteford 

Nancy Durkee

Erin Seaton 






Clarification CW—Set rate on our loan at 3.7% 2033 Rockland trust

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Committee on Trustees


CoT Update

Midyear directors review in January, will be presented to the BOT February

Recruiting process, how to do better and let us start this earlier w/ idea that our board has historically functioned best wit 14 – 16 members 

Board and Community event-- Nov 16, 17 and 5. 
Times would be quick meal together between 5-6 and then the project until 8.

VII. Other Business


Vote for Board On Track

D. Herrera made a motion to Accept the request to purchase the Board on Track platform.

Discussion opened

DH—would need to an added budget line items for finance $11,000 

CW—Confirmed Finance committee would support this 

KJ- Discussed when we wanted our contract to be up here may be helpful to have it align with when we accept all tuition reimbursement to be in and avlaible from a business/finance perspective. 


Denise Herrera Ken Jackman

Tanya Murdy 

Meg Connerton

Elizabeth Rankin  

Erin Bradley-Irose

Chris Getz

Albert Ting

Catherine Martin 

Chris Whiteford 

Nancy Durkee

Erin Seaton 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Change in Policy for FAMPFF -Allergy Policy

D. Herrera made a motion to Approve the changes presented in the FAMPFF Policy.

Open discussion 

ES- Requested to clarify what “two ind.” Are checking food

Several BOT members—clarified that this intentionally vague language and was consisted w/ language required by DESE   

AT—No precipitate vent lead to  edit of  policy

EBI- 2nd motion 


Denise Herrera

Ken Jackman

Tanya Murdy 

Meg Connerton

Elizabeth Rankin 

Erin Bradley-Irose

Chris Getz

Albert Ting

Catherine Martin 

Chris Whiteford 

Nancy Durkee

Erin Seaton 





The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Public Comment

Rebakah Waterson Grateful to have been here tonight, would like an extra effort to be made to invite the public to the BOT meetings as it was very helpful for her to see the process. Referred to letter she submitted to the board earlier in the week, was taken aback it was sent to all BOT members but appreciated the hopefully response. Hopes to attend more BOT meetings in the future. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Herrera