Paramount Schools of Excellence
Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Paramount Online Academy Training Room
1203 East Saint Clair
Door #8
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Directors Present
A. Bekele (remote), B. Eldridge, J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr., M. Bishop, P. Blackard (remote), T. Rude
Directors Absent
E. Mendez
Guests Present
Aaron Teater (remote), B. Richardson (remote), Brandalyn Hayes (remote), Brenda Mescher (remote), Brent Eskridge (remote), Case Calvert (remote), Chris Larson (remote), D. Sawyers (remote), Darius Sawyers (remote), Hanan Abdelmasseh (remote), J. Hurley (remote), Justin Braun (remote), K. Beauchamp (remote), K. Sherrow (remote), Keith Thomas (remote), Lisa Hopman (remote), M. Laflin (remote), M. Miller (remote), Marc Hardy (remote), Megan Bouckley (remote), T. Gustin (remote), T. Palacios (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval
Review and Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
T. Rude |
B. Eldridge |
E. Mendez |
P. Blackard |
J. Amu |
M. Bishop |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
A. Bekele |
Voucher Approval
Each consent agenda includes minutes from the prior meeting and the monthly financial packet including monthly vouchers.
IV. New Business
Lafayette Charter and Building Renovations
Construction work at the Lafayette campus will be underway in June. All of our upcoming projects are tied to grant funding and Keystone remains to be a great partner. The Indiana Reuse Network has been introduced to outfit the Lafayette and South Bend campuses with furniture, which will decrease our previously anticipated spending with Business Furniture.
ILEARN scores are coming in and we almost have a complete picture of our pass rates. This was another high-ranking year and we anticipate we will be within the top percentiles in the state and a top-ranking charter school nationally.
V. Operations Reports
Navigation Team
Keystone will become our presenting sponsor for the 2022 TURN Festival. Starting on June 1st, the schools will begin the late enrollment period with Enroll Indy, which will allow families to enroll on the spot as long as there is a seat available. On the financial side of things, we are focused on wrapping up the fiscal year over the coming months and preparing for grants that will be opening up on July 1st.
Principal Reports
Dr. Brandalyn Hayes (POA)
The school is looking at trends in ILEARN data and identifying gaps where additional planning and support is needed for the upcoming school year. 8th grade and kindergarten students took part in graduation ceremonies over the past week. The POA staff is ramping up for summer enrollment and is making enrollment their main focus over the coming weeks.
Tara Gustin (PCH)
All ILEARN scores for PCH have been reported. The school is very focused on enrollment and staff is getting involved in neighborhood recruitment events and canvassing. The school staff is beginning to make preparations for summer school which will be starting in just a couple of weeks. Academic planning sessions will also be taking place next week to prepare for the 2022-2023 school year.
Korry Sherrow (PBR)
Formal evaluations and contract renewals are complete and PBR will see 90-95% of staff returning for the upcoming school year. The school saw a great turnout for kindergarten and 8th-grade graduation ceremonies and is proud to say that 96% of the 8th-grade graduating class is enrolled in 21st Century Scholars.
Darius Sawyers (PEN)
PEN used the TC Howe gym for field day and 8th-grade graduation ceremonies that took place over the past week. All staff members at PEN have signed up for recruitment events this summer and parent orientation and STEM nights are scheduled throughout the summer to continue to engage families for enrollment.
VI. Closing Items
Next Meeting
Date: June 21st
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: 1203 E. St. Clair Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 or via Zoom
Adjourn Meeting
VII. Executive Session:
Finance Committee
Governance Committee
The committee discussed updates to the school's SRO, visitors, conflict of interest, complaint, and staff handbook policies so that the items are prepared for a vote at the June board meeting.
No members of the public were present.