Paramount Schools of Excellence


Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 15, 2022 at 5:30 PM


Paramount Online Academy Training Room

1203 East Saint Clair

Door #8

Indianapolis, IN 46202


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Directors Present

A. Bekele (remote), B. Eldridge (remote), E. Mendez (remote), J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr. (remote), M. Bishop, P. Blackard, T. Rude

Directors Absent

L. Smith

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

A. Bekele

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks

Guests Present

Alyssa Brelage (remote), Amanda Meadows (remote), B. Richardson (remote), Barb Richardson (remote), Brandalyn Hayes (remote), Case Calvert (remote), Chris Larson (remote), D. Sawyers (remote), D. Taylor (remote), Darnecia Suggs (remote), Dr. Brandalyn Hayes, Jennifer Hurley (remote), Justin Braun (remote), K. Beauchamp (remote), K. Sherrow (remote), Keith Thomas (remote), Lindsay Omlor (remote), Lisa Hopman (remote), M. Laflin (remote), M. Miller, Marc Hardy (remote), Megan Bouckley (remote), Phoebe Duvall (remote), Stefanie Hanes, Stefanie Hanes (remote), T. Gustin (remote), T. Palacios (remote), V. Hereens (remote), Vivian Heerens (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Mar 15, 2022 at 5:35 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No members of the public were present.

III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval


Review and Approve Minutes

T. Rude made a motion to approve the consent agenda (minutes, financials, vouchers.) Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting on 02-15-22.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Blackard
T. Rude
A. Bekele
J. Hazzard, Jr.
B. Eldridge
J. Amu
M. Bishop
E. Mendez
L. Smith


Voucher Approval

IV. New Business


Teacher Pathways Update

Phoebe Duvall, Alyssa Brelage, Amanda Meadows, and Darnecia Suggs presented on how their teacher pathways experience has allowed them to grow and develop skills that will benefit them as they grow within the PSOE organization. 


Authorized Credit Card Approval

T. Rude made a motion to issue the Director of HR a credit card.
J. Hazzard, Jr. seconded the motion.

The school has reached a point where Tiffany Palacios, Director of HR, needs to frequently borrow the Navigation credit card to process payment for background checks, motor vehicle reports, HR training, and postage for letters that need to be mailed. They are requesting a new credit card be issued for these payments.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Hazzard, Jr.
T. Rude
B. Eldridge
M. Bishop
J. Amu
P. Blackard
A. Bekele
L. Smith
E. Mendez


COVID Policy Updates

The city changed the restrictions on COVID-19 quarantine and mask requirements, so the schools updated their policies to follow the most recent guidance, which includes removing mask mandates for staff and students regardless of vaccination status. With the local government policy changes and only a few months left of the school year, the decision was made not to differentiate between any staff vaccination status at this time.


Charter School Growth Fund Approval for School 7

P. Blackard made a motion to accept CSGF support for school 7.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.

CSGF has offered $75,000 in support of school #7 to cover legal and marketing endeavors. The funding must be spent in a way that is mutually agreeable to all parties in the merger. The school is seeking board approval to accept these funds. (Parties include Every Girl Can STEM, Purdue Polytechnic, and Paramount.)

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Amu
L. Smith
B. Eldridge
M. Bishop
J. Hazzard, Jr.
T. Rude
E. Mendez
A. Bekele
P. Blackard
A. Bekele arrived at 6:00 PM.


Strategic Planning Committee Update

Green lighting frameworks were created to aid in the process of opening additional Paramount schools. The rating system that was created is based upon six different categories. The 2024 Indy K-8 Girls’ School for school 7 scored a 54%. This tool will help to reverse engineer a successful opening of the school.

V. Operations Reports


Navigation Team

South Bend and Lafayette projects are underway with Keystone. The Navigation team has hired a new team member, Anthony Moore, who will serve as the Community Enrollment Manager.


Principal Reports

POA - Brandalyn Hayes

Positive trends and growth with EOY data. Trine came to visit and they saw some great things happening in the classroom. The next step is to send the data over to Trine so that they can build their report and share this with the board in the coming weeks. 30 POA students will be taking part in the bowling incentive that is taking place with PEN. 

PEN - Darius Sawyers

The school is diving into EOY data and identifying trends in the data. 90 students at PEN are eligible for the student incentive with bowling. 

PCH - Tara Gustin

PCH is looking for trends in their EOY data. 3rd grade geometry was lower than expected so they are targeting this specifically. IREAD for 3rd grade is wrapping up this week, and they are proud of the success they are seeing. 

PBR - Dexter Taylor and Korry Sherrow

Brookside has hit all of the EOY goals and is proud of the hard work that teachers and students have put in this year to meet these goals. The school is looking forward to parent/teacher conferences which will be taking place next week. TIC data meetings will be kicking off tomorrow to analyze data to identify strengths and areas that need refinement with teachers during team meetings.

VI. Closing Items


Next Meeting

April 19th

5:30 pm

Zoom link for virtual attendees will be shared publicly soon.

In-person address is:

1203 E. St. Clair Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:21 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rude

VII. Committees


Finance Committee

The committee reviewed the budget.


Academic and Governance Committee

The committee reviewed the Family Handbook.