Paramount Schools of Excellence


Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 15, 2022 at 5:30 PM


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Public Meeting Notice of Paramount Schools of Excellence Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meeting
February 15, 2022
5:30 PM

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Directors Present

A. Bekele (remote), B. Eldridge (remote), E. Mendez (remote), J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr. (remote), M. Bishop (remote), P. Blackard (remote), T. Rude (remote)

Directors Absent

L. Smith

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks (remote)

Guests Present

B. Richardson (remote), Brandalyn Hayes (remote), Brent Eskridge (remote), Chris Larson (remote), D. Sawyers (remote), D. Taylor (remote), Darius Sawyers (remote), K. Beauchamp (remote), K. Sherrow (remote), Lindsay Omlar (remote), M. Laflin (remote), M. Miller (remote), Megan Bouckley (remote), T. Gustin (remote), T. Palacios (remote), V. Hereens (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Feb 15, 2022 at 5:49 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No members of the public were present.

III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval


Review and Approve Minutes

T. Rude made a motion to approve the consent agenda (minutes, financials, vouchers). January 2022 Paramount Schools of Excellence Board Meeting on 01-14-22.
M. Bishop seconded the motion.

Each consent agenda includes minutes from the prior meeting and the monthly financial packet including monthly vouchers. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Hazzard, Jr.
J. Amu
T. Rude
L. Smith
A. Bekele
M. Bishop
B. Eldridge
P. Blackard
E. Mendez


Voucher Approval

Voucher approval was included in the consent agenda from the prior vote. 

IV. New Business


Teacher Salary Adjustment

T. Rude made a motion to approve teacher salary adjustment scenario 7.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.

Bring all licensed teachers up to $48,000 for base salary to stay competitive. There will still be room for merit based stipends/bonuses.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Amu
J. Hazzard, Jr.
A. Bekele
L. Smith
M. Bishop
P. Blackard
E. Mendez
T. Rude
B. Eldridge


School Name Review

P. Blackard made a motion to name both Lafayette and South Bend locations, Paramount School of Excellence followed by the respective location (ex. Paramount School of Excellence Lafayette).
J. Amu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Hazzard, Jr.
L. Smith
B. Eldridge
M. Bishop
E. Mendez
P. Blackard
A. Bekele
T. Rude
J. Amu


Trine Multi-App Approval

T. Rude made a motion to approve Paramount Schools of Excellence to apply for the Trine Multi-App.
J. Amu seconded the motion.

Lindsay Omlor explained that preferred partners who operate a successful network of schools can fill out one application with the approval for 5 schools. There will not be an expiration date for these approvals. The school will have an implementation schedule that outlines when they will be ready to execute another charter if they are meeting metrics. This eliminates the red tape for 5 separate approvals. This does not eliminate other authorizers and does not mandate that Paramount opens 5 schools. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Mendez
J. Hazzard, Jr.
A. Bekele
L. Smith
M. Bishop
P. Blackard
B. Eldridge
T. Rude
J. Amu


Covid Policy Discussion

T. Rude made a motion to approve the updated information and language of the COVID-19 policy and have it go into effect starting on 3/1/2022 (pending legal review).
J. Hazzard, Jr. seconded the motion.

Tommy Reddicks presented.


PSOE is looking to revert to the norm. At the height of COVID, the school was trying not to burden staff members with time off when it came to exposure and contact tracing. The health department has clarified the control it wants to have in this process. The school would like to create more detail within this policy so that staff is incentivized to stay in school. If the staff member is unvaccinated, they shall first use their sick and PTO time and then will have to take unpaid time off (if the staff member is out due to COVID). If the staff member is vaccinated, they shall use sick and PTO time, but remaining time off may be paid if they are out due to COVID-19. This policy would also curb abuse of the current policy. Schools shall provide access to on-site COVID testing and masks are required which helps in preventing the spread.


Peggy asked if we are protected under the law by doing this.


Tommy offered to get a legal review of this policy if the board would feel more comfortable with the school taking that initial step. Tiffany Palacios said that we are following FMLA standards from an HR perspective with taking sick and PTO time before going into an unpaid status. The motion to approve was amended to include confirmation of a legal review prior to initiating the policy.


An effective date of 3/1 allows time for legal review and staff rollout. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Eldridge
J. Amu
M. Bishop
T. Rude
P. Blackard
A. Bekele
J. Hazzard, Jr.
E. Mendez
L. Smith

V. Operations Reports


Navigation Team Reports

The largest effort of the Navigation team is getting the My Learning Nook up and running in South Bend. Team members are working on the marketing, hiring, and facilities to get the space ready to go for early March. In addition the Executive team is working on writing charters for the organization. 


Principal Reports

Brookside (Dexter Taylor/Korry Sherrow Presented)

The school is working on the final push academically to prepare for end of the year testing. Retention and recruitment have also been the main focus looking ahead to next year. Ann PH came to visit. Teachers really benefited from her observation and positive feedback sessions. Robotics and athletics have resumed for the school year and Brookside students are bracing for a competition with the Englewood team coming up. WIDA testing is underway and Brookside wanted to recognize the hard work of Hanan Abdelmasse who is working hard to assist with this testing to ensure that this gets completed for their student population. The staff in-service day focused around three major topics including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Academic Planning, and Career Pathway Cohorts. 


Cottage Home (Tara Gustin presented)

Paramount Cottage Home finished the mayor’s office year four review and met or exceeded all of the standards. The focus of the school's in-service day was increasing rigor in kindergarten through 2nd grade and they are excited to ramp this up in the coming weeks. 

Englewood (Darius Sawyers Presented)

EOY testing started today at Paramount Englewood for resource students and it was a successful first day of testing. The end of the year incentive for students is a bowling trip for those who are showing progress academically for EOY testing. Students are working hard to secure their spot to participate in the activity.

Online Academy (Brandalyn Hayes Presented)

The school has been providing teachers with very intentional feedback in preparation for EOY testing that will start next week. POA will be joining PEN for the bowling incentive with their students. 

My Learning Nook - Lafayette (Kyle Beauchamp Presented)

Recent news coverage for the My Learning Nook in Lafayette has increased participation in the tutoring program. The demand for tutoring services has increased and they are seeing a lot of engagement with families. 

VI. Closing Items


Next Meeting

March 15th 2022


Location TBD


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rude

VII. Committees



Governance committee did not convene. 



The finance committee reviewed the latest budget draft.