Paramount Schools of Excellence
Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 17, 2021 at 5:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Public Meeting Notice of Paramount Schools of Excellence Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
August 17, 2021
5:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Board of Directors Meeting
August 17, 2021
5:30 PM
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Directors Present
A. Bekele (remote), B. Eldridge (remote), C. Park (remote), J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr. (remote), L. Smith (remote), M. Bishop (remote), P. Blackard (remote), T. Rude (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Reddicks
Non Voting Members Present
T. Reddicks
Guests Present
B. Richardson, Chris Larson, D. Sawyers, D. Taylor, Dr. Brandalyn Hayes, H. Okerson, J. Hurley, J. Monk (remote), Justin Braun, K. Beauchamp, K. Sherrow, Lindsay Omlor, Lisa Hopman, T. Gustin, T. Palacios
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Aug 17, 2021 at 5:31 PM.
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
No one from the public was in attendance who wished to make public comment.
III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval
Review and Approve Minutes
T. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes from Paramount Board of Directors Public Meeting on 07-20-21.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
M. Bishop |
J. Amu |
T. Rude |
B. Eldridge |
L. Smith |
P. Blackard |
C. Park |
A. Bekele |
Voucher Approval
B. Eldridge wanted BPI to provide more information on current financial statements regarding the consolidation of debt through EFF prior to approving Vouchers as distributed.
T. Rude made a motion to approve the voucher contingent upon BPI providing more information on the topic B. Eldridge stated during discussion.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. Bekele |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
P. Blackard |
B. Eldridge |
J. Amu |
C. Park |
M. Bishop |
T. Rude |
L. Smith |
IV. New Business
Trine Updates
L. Omlor reported out that Trine is watching attendance rates at POA as they are below the acceptable threshold at this time. Their first site visit will be in September.
Revised Bylaws Approval
T. Rude made a motion to approve revised bylaws to include updates as distributed.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
T. Rude |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
A. Bekele |
J. Amu |
M. Bishop |
P. Blackard |
C. Park |
B. Eldridge |
L. Smith |
Approve Capital & Navigation Accounts with NBOI
T. Rude made a motion to approve opening both accounts.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Amu |
C. Park |
L. Smith |
B. Eldridge |
A. Bekele |
T. Rude |
M. Bishop |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
P. Blackard |
Lafayette Lease Confirmation
J. Monk updated the board on the status of the New Community lease.
Lafayette Renovations
Initial plans and renovations will take place in late fall 2021. Renovations will be minor and mostly cosmetic, with a projected budget of $400,000-600,000.
Enrollment Update
K. Beauchamp updated the board that the budgeted enrollment goal was met. Principals worked very hard to meet the budget goal, and schools are continuing to push for more enrollment through count day on 9/17.
Englewood Compliance Update
D. Sawyers updated the board on work done with Dr. Angelov and the Navigation Team, specifically Stefanie Hanes (Special Education Director) and Hanan Abdelmasseh (ELL Coordinator), to ensure their systems and processes have improved and will meet all necessary targets. Dr. Turner will be back on campus in September to assess improvements.
V. Operations Reports
Navigation Team Reports
Navigation has worked closely with schools to norm processes across schools, conduct academic observation, feedback, and support cycles, and fill open positions. The farm is holding steady at Brookside and is starting production at Cottage Home. Finance is working hard to ensure grants are in place for the 21-22 school year, and HR is working alongside school leaders to onboard new hires. DEI work is being done by shadowing teachers and Recovery staff to support leaders to develop culturally competent Tier 1 strategies to support students.
Principal Reports
B. Hayes (Online Academy) reported teachers ensuring students are actively engaged with lessons and are able to log in to all the platforms used.
D. Sawyers (Englewood) has been working alongside Purdue Polytechnic High School as the school year begins. They have also been focusing on student recruitment, after-school clubs, and athletics.
D. Taylor (Brookside) reported the success from the Back to School Night and the focus of getting athletics back on the docket this year. K. Sherrow shared work conducted with teachers related to the observation, feedback, support cycle. Beginning of year assessments start this week.
T. Gustin (Cottage Home) shared teachers are setting strong academic environments and practices. Teachers are making small changes that will make huge long-term impacts. Work is also being done to support new students.
D. Sawyers (Englewood) has been working alongside Purdue Polytechnic High School as the school year begins. They have also been focusing on student recruitment, after-school clubs, and athletics.
D. Taylor (Brookside) reported the success from the Back to School Night and the focus of getting athletics back on the docket this year. K. Sherrow shared work conducted with teachers related to the observation, feedback, support cycle. Beginning of year assessments start this week.
T. Gustin (Cottage Home) shared teachers are setting strong academic environments and practices. Teachers are making small changes that will make huge long-term impacts. Work is also being done to support new students.
T. Rude announced that C. Park will step down from his position as a board member due to changes in location and positive life changes.
VI. Closing Items
Next Meeting
September 21, 2021
5:30 PM
Location TBD
5:30 PM
Location TBD
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:17 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rude
Documents used during the meeting
- 07-2021 AP Voucher Register - PASCOF.pdf
- 07-2021 AP Voucher Register - PACOHO.pdf
- PSOE Navigation Monthly Operations Report 2021.docx (4).pdf
- August 2021 PBR Operations Report.pdf
- August 21 POA Board Operations Report.pdf
- PEN Ops August (1).pdf
- PCH Ops July 2021.pdf