Paramount Schools of Excellence
Board of Directors
Date and Time
Tuesday June 9, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Public Meeting Notice of Paramount Schools of Excellence Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
June 9, 2020
5:30-6:15 PM
Executive Session as needed
6:30 PM
Topic: June PSOE Board Meeting
Time: June 9, 2020 05:30 PM Indiana (East)
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Board of Directors Meeting
June 9, 2020
5:30-6:15 PM
Executive Session as needed
6:30 PM
Topic: June PSOE Board Meeting
Time: June 9, 2020 05:30 PM Indiana (East)
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Meeting ID: 702 256 528
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Directors Present
A. Bekele (remote), B. Eldridge (remote), C. Park (remote), J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr. (remote), L. Smith (remote), M. Bishop (remote), T. Rude (remote)
Directors Absent
P. Blackard
Guests Present
B. Richardson, Chris Larson, Dexter Taylor, H. Okerson, J. Monk, Justin Braun, Kyle Beauchamp, Nicole Guess, T. Gustin, T. Palacios
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Jun 9, 2020 at 5:32 PM.
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
Nicole Guess was in attendance, but she did not wish to make a comment at this time. Nicole has a student starting 5th grade at Paramount Englewood in the fall.
III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval
Review and approve minutes.
T. Rude made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors on 05-12-20.
M. Bishop seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
B. Eldridge |
P. Blackard |
T. Rude |
L. Smith |
C. Park |
A. Bekele |
M. Bishop |
J. Amu |
Voucher Approval
T. Rude made a motion to approve the voucher as distributed.
M. Bishop seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
T. Rude |
B. Eldridge |
P. Blackard |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
M. Bishop |
L. Smith |
A. Bekele |
C. Park |
J. Amu |
IV. New Business
Vote to approve Family Handbooks
T. Rude made a motion to approve the Family Handbooks as distributed for 20-21.
J. Amu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
P. Blackard |
C. Park |
A. Bekele |
T. Rude |
J. Amu |
L. Smith |
B. Eldridge |
M. Bishop |
Vote to Approve 20-21 Budget
J. Hazzard, Jr. made a motion to approve the 20-21 budget as distributed.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Hazzard, Jr. |
L. Smith |
T. Rude |
P. Blackard |
B. Eldridge |
C. Park |
M. Bishop |
A. Bekele |
J. Amu |
18-19 OEI Annual Report Review
All Core Question reports for Brookside and Community Heights have been distributed to the Board for review. These reports can also be found at
J. Monk will send out the Board Assurance signature sheet. OEI is requesting all Board members sign this form prior to June 30th.
J. Monk will send out the Board Assurance signature sheet. OEI is requesting all Board members sign this form prior to June 30th.
Update on PCH and PEN Progress
Tara Gustin has accepted the position of principal at Paramount Cottage Home. Both sites are still on track to open July 1. Furniture move-in will complete July 15th at both locations.
Staffing is on track. The schools continue to interview to build depth in the event there is an unexpected departure.
Staffing is on track. The schools continue to interview to build depth in the event there is an unexpected departure.
Intercompany Debt Write-Off
Because there is one large school supporting two smaller slow-grow schools, the organization has been supporting the two smaller schools. Due to Indiana's charter school structure, each school is its own corporation. When the organization moves funds from one school to another, it is in the form of a loan. This makes it look like the smaller schools are perpetually in debt. This is acceptable to OEI and auditors, but it puts the organization at risk to lose potential grant funders. Writing off the debt owed to Paramount Brookside would allow Paramount Cottage Home and Paramount Englewood to appear more solvent.
B. Eldridge voiced concerns about this harming Brookside, as funders may see this as Brookside not needing funds if they are able to forgive the loans. She also stated concern for forgiving debt multiple times.
B. Richardson stated all schools are under the same 501c3, which allows funders to see the organization as a whole.
T. Reddicks stated funders want to see the 5-year projection for the individual schools. Intercompany loans will continue as needed until Paramount Englewood and Paramount Cottage Home reach independent budget enrollment numbers. This would need to be decided by the spring. We will discuss what other schools do in this situation with Charter School Growth Fund tomorrow.
H. Okerson stated by not forgiving the debt, OEI reports will show not meeting standard based on days cash on hand.
B. Eldridge voiced concerns about this harming Brookside, as funders may see this as Brookside not needing funds if they are able to forgive the loans. She also stated concern for forgiving debt multiple times.
B. Richardson stated all schools are under the same 501c3, which allows funders to see the organization as a whole.
T. Reddicks stated funders want to see the 5-year projection for the individual schools. Intercompany loans will continue as needed until Paramount Englewood and Paramount Cottage Home reach independent budget enrollment numbers. This would need to be decided by the spring. We will discuss what other schools do in this situation with Charter School Growth Fund tomorrow.
H. Okerson stated by not forgiving the debt, OEI reports will show not meeting standard based on days cash on hand.
School Culture Update
Paramount wants to recognize the tough time the community is going through with the events leading up to George Floyd's death and the protests. The organization put out a statement, but that is just the first step to ensure the organization is closing gaps and being responsive to community needs. Organization and school leadership are beginning scheduled discussions to determine how to best bring about change for the better.
T. Rude agreed to start adding this discussion to the Governance Committee. He asked the Board to document ideas and it will be discussed in July's meeting.
J. Amu stated this should be something discussed with the whole board at the next meeting. T. Rude agreed.
T. Reddicks also shared Paramount is working with OEI and IDOE to develop a re-entry plan that provides parents a dual pathway at the start of the school year. This would mean parents had the choice to continue eLearning or to send students to a physical campus. Paramount will have a plan developed, with input from school leadership, for re-entry to physical locations. This plan will include thermal image scanners, social distancing, and increased sanitization.
T. Rude agreed to start adding this discussion to the Governance Committee. He asked the Board to document ideas and it will be discussed in July's meeting.
J. Amu stated this should be something discussed with the whole board at the next meeting. T. Rude agreed.
T. Reddicks also shared Paramount is working with OEI and IDOE to develop a re-entry plan that provides parents a dual pathway at the start of the school year. This would mean parents had the choice to continue eLearning or to send students to a physical campus. Paramount will have a plan developed, with input from school leadership, for re-entry to physical locations. This plan will include thermal image scanners, social distancing, and increased sanitization.
V. Operations Report
Operations Report
T. Palacios reported on work completed to contract staff for 20-21 and set up UMR with our benefits providers.
T. Gustin reported transition work with Cottage Home staff as she completes tasks assigned as Director of Special Programs and moves into the principal role.
B. Richardson reported work done with summer program funders to share out what summer activities look like.
K. Beauchamp shared out lessons learned from eLearning staff surveys. A parent survey will go out next week to provide additional information on how Paramount can enhance the eLearning program.
J. Monk reported work completed on the re-entry plan and ensuring Cottage Home and Englewood have everything they need to open on time.
J. Braun reported on projects completed at Brookside. New copiers, a new phone system, outdoor WIFI, and new internal switches are being installed.
T. Gustin reported transition work with Cottage Home staff as she completes tasks assigned as Director of Special Programs and moves into the principal role.
B. Richardson reported work done with summer program funders to share out what summer activities look like.
K. Beauchamp shared out lessons learned from eLearning staff surveys. A parent survey will go out next week to provide additional information on how Paramount can enhance the eLearning program.
J. Monk reported work completed on the re-entry plan and ensuring Cottage Home and Englewood have everything they need to open on time.
J. Braun reported on projects completed at Brookside. New copiers, a new phone system, outdoor WIFI, and new internal switches are being installed.
Principal Report Discussion
D. Taylor shared its nice to have more staff members on site. Over 37,000 meals have been delivered to students since March. Summer school started June 1st in an eLearning environment. STEAM also began June 1st on campus with social distnacing and other public health measures put in place.
VI. Closing Items
Next Meeting
July 14th
5:30 PM
Location TBD
5:30 PM
Location TBD
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Rude
Documents used during the meeting
- 04-2020 Consolidated Financial Statements - PASCOF.xlsx
- 05-2020 AP Voucher Register - PACOHE.pdf
- 04-2020 Financial Statements - PBR.xlsx
- 05-2020 AP Voucher Register - PASCOF.pdf
- 04-2020 Financial Statements - PEN.xlsx
- 05-2020 Grant Reports - PEN.xlsx
- 04-2020 Financial Statements - PCH.xlsx
- 05-2020 Grant Reports - PCH.xlsx
- 04-2020 Controllers Report - PASCOF.xlsx
- 05-2020 Grant Reports - PBR.xlsx
- PBR Family Handbook 20-21.pdf
- PCH Family Handbook 20-21.pdf
- PEN Family Handbook 20-21.pdf
- 2020 draft budget 5_30_20.xlsx
- PCH QC3 18-19.pdf
- PSOE-CH.Core.Question.1.18-19.FINAL.docx
- PCH CQ2 18-19.pdf
- PSOE-B.Core.Question.1.18-19.FINAL.docx
- PBR CQ3 18-19.pdf
- PBR CQ2 18-19.pdf
- PSOE Navigation Operations Report June 2020.pdf
- PEN Ops June2020.pdf
- PBR Ops June 2020.pdf
- PCH Ops June2020.pdf