Paramount Schools of Excellence


October Board of Directors Meetiing

Date and Time

Tuesday October 9, 2018 at 5:30 PM


3020 Nowland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN Room 13

Directors Present

A. Bekele, B. Eldridge (remote), C. Park, J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr., P. Blackard, T. Rude

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks (remote)

Guests Present

B. Richardson, Chris Larson, Darius Sawyers, H. Okerson, Kyle Beauchamp, Monica H, P. Purvis, Precious Jones, Scott Frye, Tiffany Palacios

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Oct 9, 2018 at 5:33 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments.

III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval


Review and approve minutes.

J. Hazzard, Jr. made a motion to approve minutes from the September Board Meeting on 09-11-18. James "Hap" Hazzard would like to amend the minutes to state he has recused his vote for the approval of vouchers. September Board Meeting on 09-11-18.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Rude
P. Blackard
B. Eldridge
A. Bekele
J. Hazzard, Jr.
J. Amu
C. Park


Voucher approval

J. Hazzard, Jr. made a motion to approve vouchers.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Blackard
B. Eldridge
T. Rude
A. Bekele
J. Amu
C. Park
J. Hazzard, Jr.
James "Hap" Hazzard recuses himself for the approval of the vouchers.


Financial graphs

Hannah Okerson presented financial grant information, in graph form, to the board.  Presenting monthly graphs will help the board to understand the amount awarded and the amount spent on each grant.  The board would like to know if the school is in compliance with grant spending.  The auditors do single audits on 40% of all grant monies.  Auditors will do single audits on 40% of grant monies.  

IV. Operations Report


Operations Report

Tiffany Palacios
  • Benefit open enrollment has started for staff.  
  • 403b options have been narrowed down and information presented to the board for their approval.  
  • Parenting Leave Policy was presented to the board for review.    
  • HRIS portal is now complete.  One of the benefits of the new portal is new applicants can now apply through the portal and begin their paperwork.  
Hannah Okerson
  • Met with BPI to go over the new changes with state board of accounts.
  • Draft audit will be available next week.
  • Graphs have been created for financials.  
Peggy Purvis
  • Official count is 809 for Brookside and 101 for Community Heights.  
  • Will be starting enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year.
Barb Richardson
  • Approximately 3000 attendees for the 2018 TURN festival.   
  • Tickets forTURN feast were over sold.
  • TURN survey have started to come in.  Overall positive feedback.
  • Special thanks to Mandy Bishop for her help with the festival.
  • Working on two "Thriving Schools" grants, one for Brookside and one for Community Heights. 
  • Mayor's office and Indy Parks has asked to be a part of 10/10 promotion for Brookside Park on October 10th.  Second graders have been asked to take part in the event.
  • Paramount has been accepted to "Get on Board Indianapolis" on October 22, 2018.  
Kyle Beauchamp
  • Parent/Teacher conferences.  100% parents signed up for a conference.  Teachers have been a great help in getting parents to attend.
  • Literacy night attended by over 300 people 80% of our families.
  • Teachers are getting indocturnated in to our data driven policies.
  • After school tutoring with 70 of the 102 students attending.  Teachers are volunteering to attend an additional 2 hours per evening.
Scott Frye
  • Beginning of the year observations have taken place for all 1st and 2nd year teachers.
  • Airways testing just finished for beginning of the year. All grade levels standards were tested. 
  • Parent/Teacher conferences on October 10th and 11th.
  • Great representation for the school's Blue Ribbon award from the Indiana Department of Education.
Chris Larson
  • Work is being done to get the farm ready for winter.
  • Farm statistics
    • 1000 eggs were produced
    • 2000 pounds of produce
    • 1500 gallons of milk produced for cheese
    • 4000 stems for flower sales
  • Supporting classroom teachers with outside curriculum.
Darius Sawyers
  • Continuing support at Brookside.
  • Learning iLearn.
  • Classroom observation to see how curriculum fits.
  • Observed eight schools in New York with Tommy Reddicks. 
  • Tom Rude would like a time-line and a development plan to present to the board for school 3.  Start to look for a vice principal.
Precious Jones
  • Explained to the board the new establishment of the Paramount Police Department. 
  • The department had State and IMPD approval but not Marion County Approval.  Charter schools can not have their own police departments.  
  • Paramount Police Department is now part of the Southport Police Department.  She was sworn in by the Southport Police Chief but will work as police chief of the Paramount Police Department.
  • Precious will retain her 24 police powers.
  • The department will be a part of MECCA, a state broadcasting system, and will be on the IMPD East District channel.
  • Preparing policy changes to be presented during the next legislation session.
  • Precious is still in initial training which takes her off campus.  Looking to get a full-time officer at Brookside.  Possibly a reserve officer from Southport. 
  • Developing very positive relationships with parents and students.

V. New Business


403b Review

Will go in to committee to review the new 403b plan and will come back to public meeting for vote.  
  • Tiffany Palacios presented the new plan to the board. 
  • The new plan will be through Lincoln Financial. 
  • Would like to change our TPA, third party administrator, to Rose Financial.  They will provide a dedicated person to manage accounts for current staff members, new employees, and for departing staff. 
  • Vesting options will remain the same with additional options to choose from.
  •  American Funds will provide the import to Lincoln Financial.  
P. Blackard made a motion to approve the change to Lincoln Financial 403b plan effective 01/01/2019.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board voted unanimously to approve the motion.

P. Blackard made a motion to approve Rose Financial as our third party administrator of the 403b plan effective 01/01/2019.
C.Park seconded the motion.
The board voted unanimously to approve the motion.


Paramount Schools Technology


CRM Budgeting Program

CRM information was presented.  The board will review and vote at a later date.


Family leave policy

The board received the information regarding the Family Leave Policy and will review and vote at a future meeting.

VI. Closing Items


Next Meeting

November 13, 2018
5:30pm at Paramount Brookside, Room 13.

6:00pm Committee meetings if needed
6:30 Executive Committee to discuss IC5-14-3-4(b)(2)(D) if needed.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Purvis