Paramount Schools of Excellence


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 12, 2017 at 5:30 PM


3020 Nowland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46201
Executive Committee meeting will start at 6:00pm.

Directors Present

A. Bekele, B. Eldridge (remote), C. Park, J. Hazzard, Jr., P. Blackard (remote), T. Rude

Directors Absent

H. Maurer, J. Amu

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks

Guests Present

Adam Freeman, B. Richardson, Barb Richardson, Chris Larson, Darius Harris, H. Okerson, Hilary Duvall, Jasmine Burditt - Mayor's Office, Kyle Beauchamp, Mary Laflin, P. Purvis, Rhonda Grady, Sarah Shaffer, Scott Frye, Tiffany Palacios

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Dec 12, 2017 at 5:38 PM.

II. Consent Agenda Review and Approval


Review and approval of November Minutes

T. Rude made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 11-14-17 Board Meeting on 11-14-17.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Voucher approval

T. Rude made a motion to Approve vouchers.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Finance


Financial report

Hannah is in the process of auditing grants for the end of the year.

Audit has been approved by the State Board of Accounts and we have received a final audit letter from Blue and Co.

IV. Operations Report


Operations Report

Network Operations - Tommy Reddicks
  • Innovation for school 2  is in process.  
  • Submitted application for Cohort 9 for the 21st Century Grant for PSOE 1.  If approved, PSOE 1 will receive the grant for the next 4 years.  PSOE 2 received the grant last year and has 3 more years of funding.
  • Working on the CSP (Charter School Focused Grant) Grant for PSOE 2.  The grant does not apply for PSOE 1.  Application deadline has been pushed back to February, 2018 therefore the second round for CSP funding will be spring of 2018.
  • To maintain our nurse's office we have been meeting with area health care providers. We are also in the process of researching the Medicaid process to fully fund the nurse's office.
  • Will start working on 2018-2019 budget over winter break.
Barb Richardson
  • Received rotary community grant of$25,000. This money will be used on the Eco Room.  
Hannah Okerson
  • In the process of auditing all grants for end of the year.
Christopher Larson
  • Farm is winter ready. 
  • Completing the farm operations manual. 
  • Cheese sales are going well.  We have been approached by an online retailer for cheese.
  • Looking in to aquaponics for the greenhouse.
Sarah Shaffer
  • Working on preparations for PSOE 2.  In the process of interviewing candidates for new staff.
Tiffany Palacios
  • Working on open enrollment for benefits. 
  • Recently attended two day FMLA training.
Scott Frye
  • In the process of Mid-term formal teacher evaluations.


V. New Business


New Business

  • HRIS System - The board has gone through first reading.  The new program will streamline the HR process for both schools.  
  • Wellness policy - No major improvements have been made just minor modifications.  This is a mandatory policy for the school.

T. Rude made a motion to Approve the purchase of the new Centrix HRIS system.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Rude made a motion to Approve the Wellness Policy as written.
C. Park seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Next Board Meeting

Discussion during the executive meeting for the board retreat in January.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Blackard