Paramount Schools of Excellence


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 8, 2016 at 5:30 PM


Board Room

Directors Present

B. Eldridge, C. Park, H. Maurer, J. Hazzard, Jr., P. Blackard, T. Rude

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks

Guests Present

P. Purvis, S. Ping

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Board members present
Tom Rude, James Hazzard, Heather Maurer, Chris Park, Brittany Eldridge, Peggy Blackard, 

Tommy Reddicks, Kyle Beauchamp, Scott Frye, Barb Richardson, Chris Larson, Shawna Ping, Dre Knox, Adam Freeman, Hannah Okerson, Brian Dickey, with OEI. Hannah Okerson, Peggy Purvis, Tyler Dickey, Alan Parks.


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Nov 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM.


Approve Minutes

P. Blackard made a motion to approve minutes.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


New item

J. Hazzard, Jr. made a motion to Approve vouchers.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Brittany Eldridge would like to have the credit card statement included in the monthly report.

II. Finance


New item

Tyler Dickey, Alan Parks from Blue & Co. LLC
Auditors presented their findings from the school audit that was performed in October, 2016.  A draft copy was given to all board members to review.  

  • How would PSOE compare with other charter school?  
    • PSOE is not different than any other charter school on the account side of business.  
  • The best way to move forward?  
    • Monthly communication and monthly review of accounts.  Internal controls and challenging procedures. Having a third party such as Bookkkeeping Plus.  Having the right people for the individual responsibilities and not having one or two people doing all the jobs.

Action Items 
Tom, Tommy, Brittany and Shawna will go over the information and recommendations.  

III. Governance


New item

  • Barb Richardson
    • We received a second grant of approximately $4,900 from Indiana Farm Bureau to rebuild the chicken coop.  
    • Indiana Organic Association would like to volunteer on the farm.  
    • Approximately 50 guests attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Middle School wing.
    • Approximately 20 guests attended the Spirit and Place Home Festival on Saturday, November 5.
    • Nice to have the new multipurpose room for meetings and to host environmental groups.
  • Chris Larson
    • Slow Food Indy acknowledged our practices on the farm and spoke at a presentation regarding cheese sales/production.    
    • The modulars have been removed and now in the process of breaking up and removing the concrete pads.
    • The hoop house is being used to grow winter vegetables. 
  • Scott Frye
    • The professional development sessions have been well attended. 
    • First round of Acuity and mClass data has been received and is looking very good..
  • Kyle Beauchamp
    • Working with Mind Trust and working with Tommy on a weekly basis.
  • Enrollment 
    • Enrollment numbers are holding steady.  
  • Dre Knox
    • The transition to the new Middle School wing has gone smoothly.  The students seem to be adjusting well to new procedures for recess and lunch.
    • The discipline team has been working and monitoring the students in the new recovery room.    


IV. Other Business


New item

There is no new business to report.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Tom Rude
  • Since the start of the school year there have been many activities going on and would like to thank the staff in doing a remarkable job in getting it all done.  Next project will be PSOE 2.  
  • Would like to have a retreat in January.  Possible dates for a Friday morning retreat will be sent to board members .
  • Next Board Meeting will be Tuesday, December 13, 2016.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Purvis


New item