Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 25, 2024 at 2:30 PM
718 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane WA 99201
Directors Present
A. Eberhardt (remote), A. Estes (remote), B. Gongyin, E. Arnold, G. Sementi, J. Ray, K. Linane-Booey, L. McDonald (remote)
Directors Absent
C. Plager, D. McMurray, J. Zappone, P. Parr
Guests Present
J. Schatz, M. Pettey, S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Land Acknowledgement
Approve Minutes
Review October Financials
Consent Agenda
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $107,997.62. In addition, payroll in the amount of $57,093.91 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2399-2420
totaling $82,536.93
Payroll totaling $57,093.91
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $25,460.69
II. School Updates
Principal and Student Sharing
Principal Pettey and a student came to share.
Student is a senior and on track to graduate, it's her first year at Lumen, her son is 2 months old.
Focus this month is enrollment. Student share about finding Lumen through nurse family partnership and her home visit nurse brought her to Lumen to tour when she was a pregnant. Student's favorite part of Lumen is the staff, they are very supportive and very helpful.
Enrollment update from Pettey: Learned last year about how to be more successful in our enrollment. Open enrollment all 1st quarter, after that we are enrolling at the beginning of each quarter. Enrolled students this year are also regular attenders, so classrooms are full.
ED Updates
Renewal updates: site visit almost complete, finishing Special education on December 2nd. Renewal report will be released the week of December 9th.
Winter student needs- Millwood church sponsoring adopt a family for all students and their kids. Looking for other ways to support students.
Giving Tuesday is coming up, Lumen will be doing a campaign for both tangible needs and funding.
III. Committee Updates
Development Committee
Sponsors and auction items coming it, it's been a good start and the committee is feeling like things are coming together. Save the date with ticket link was sent- Linda will send link in an email for posting on social media.
Governance Committee
Pre work: New York times video series- Who me? Biased? Watch videos and think over questions for December equity work session.
We will have a conversation in December.
WSSDA Conference Recap
-On Board Equity Trainings: Gene, Andrea, Linda and Jene attended.
-SPS history course where students are looking for gaps in the history curriculum and writing a chapter on what is missing- offered at all high schools.
-WSSDA legislative priorities.
Other Items
SPS board dinner recap- Cory, Jene attended with Nicki & Hilary, very supportive of Lumen and want to come for a tour. Next year- dinner at Lumen.
Mary Kuney meeting- Shauna, Jene and Jenny met with Mary for a quick meeting to talk about the property tax levy idea or other potential revenues to support Lumen. Mental Health tax $$ could go towards capital. Or could Lumen be a family resource center?
Only change- the predicted percentages. Finance committee decided to change to match budgeted percentage. Budget a best guess, but the percentages will match the budget. This will allow the board to talk more specifically.
For revenue, local support a little low, all the other are on target.
For expenditures, salaries are low because of a staff leave.