Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday October 17, 2024 at 2:30 PM
718 W. Riverside Ave.
Suite 201
Spokane WA 99201
Directors Present
A. Eberhardt, A. Estes, B. Gongyin, E. Arnold, J. Ray, J. Zappone (remote), L. McDonald, P. Parr (remote)
Directors Absent
C. Plager, D. McMurray, G. Sementi, K. Linane-Booey
Guests Present
J. Schatz, Kristin Whiteaker, S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
Approve September Meeting Minutes
II. Public Comment
Open to public comment
Kristin Whiteaker- SPS
III. Finance
Financial Reports
Year end reports- Only changes were how we categorized an employee as classified instead of certificated, so there was a change in budget categories but not in overall budget.
Supplies and Services high right now but those are one time expenditures. The 8.3% benchmark for monthly percentage of spending is right on for salaries, but high for the others.
IV. Consent Agenda
Approve September Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2368-2370, 2381-98
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $99,039.89. In addition, payroll in the amount of $58,039.77 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2368-2370, 2381-98
totaling $73,751.41
Payroll totaling $58,039.77
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 25,288.48
V. Updates
ED Report
Key Focus: Financial Stability, New staff, Enrollment, Student leadership and Glow Transitions.
Shared enrollment updates and and grant funder updates.
VI. Committees
Governance Committee
Moment of the Month: Kenji shared an implicit bias reflection tool- Andrea emailed out the prompts for next month's moment of the month.
Board Calendar: Moving November's board meeting to Monday the 25th- Enrollment focus.
Board members can send their preferred calendar email to Jene and she will invite you.
If absent sign board member agreements.
Development Committee Work Session
Hayley Lydig- event planner... shared about the event vision and needs. Procurement of Sponsors is the way to increase the revenue of the event year over year. Looking for connections in the community of companies that may want to sponsor. Procurement of auction packages for the event- looking for some unique packages, who are people not just businesses that get hit up a lot. Think of your contacts and reach out to Linda if you have idea.
Each Board member write 3-4 donor thank you's.
VII. Other Board Business
Tax Convo
Tax Strategy conversation- Jene and Jenny will follow up with Spokane County.
Shared about the responsibilities of the charter school board, the oversight and the fiscal responsibility, monitoring school progress, effective communication.
For more information on renewal go to Spokane Schools charter website. Renewal materials- performance report.
Replacing current framework- not representative of the work we are doing.
Throughout renewal we will write a new contract noting any differences.
Authorizer Benchmark Schedule- Annual items Lumen turn in to SPS.