Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday September 19, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Eberhardt, A. Estes, B. Gongyin, E. Arnold (remote), G. Sementi, J. Zappone (remote), K. Linane-Booey
Directors Absent
C. Plager, D. McMurray, J. Ray, L. McDonald, P. Parr
Guests Present
J. Schatz, M. Pettey, S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
Approve August Meeting Minutes
II. Finance
Financial Reports
III. Consent Agenda
Approve August Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2349-2367
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $102,933.06 In addition, payroll in the amount of $57,789.20 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2349-2367
totaling $81,434.65
Payroll totaling $57,789.20
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 21,498.41
Approve Policy # 6801
IV. Updates
ED Report
Enrollment is higher than in years past, and with lots of regular attenders. Hoping to get to 40 by October 1.
Financial stability: Shauna continuing to work on fundraising and indentifying long term grants. Empire Health foundation- new round of grants- education focused- Kenji will send. Building connections initiative.
Pettey & Student Sharing
Melissa Pettey & Amaya share about how the school year is going:
Amaya is joining the community, has plans to intern in law and goals to attend GU law school, liking Lumen.
Organizational updates: Restorative changes- safe, inclusive and judgement free environment. Returning students having a harder time with the changes.
V. Committees
Governance Committee
Sign Board Agreements today and give them back to Shauna. Jenny Zappone going to consult with Governance committee as needed.
Retreat Feedback: Venue was a good location. Felt easy to interact with the materials, new members felt welcome. Really liked having Pettey there and the opportunity to interact with data.
Role of Governance: Want to support the board, make sure it's worthwhile for the director's time they are giving. Have it be relational and build connection with new directors. Excited about having a full board and the composition of directors. Kenji and Andrea are here for conversation about needs people have please reach out to them.
Governance Moment of the Month: Empowerment. Connected to YWCA Equity Challenge... financial disempowerment of women especially in Native communities . "Time when you have the most earning potential is also the time you have the most demand to care for your family. This connects at Lumen in the way they partner with Canopy Credit Union to provide matching bank accounts to Lumen students for up to 2 years.
How as a board do we advocate for policies that are being proposed to increase finance empowerment.
Vote on the Board Officer Slate for 24-25 board term.
Board Officer Slate
Chair- Jene Ray
Vice Chair- Gene Sementi
Secretary- Kenji Linane-Booey
Treasurer- Cory Plager
VI. Other Board Business
Other Business
il-Lumen-ate the Night- the development committee will be sending out the sponsor packet and information soon. They developed a one pager for general asks for Lumen as well as event sponsorships.
We ended August $100,000 higher than expected. Some of it was because of savings on expenditures and additional fundraising.
Capital expenditures- accounting entry we thought we would have to make that we didn't end up needing to make based on accounting rules.