Lumen Public School
Board Retreat
Date and Time
Thursday August 8, 2024 at 11:30 AM
The Scott Morris Center - 12 N Sheridan St, Spokane, WA, 99202 2nd floor
Directors Present
A. Eberhardt, A. Estes, B. Gongyin, C. Plager, E. Arnold, G. Sementi, J. Ray, J. Zappone, K. Linane-Booey, L. McDonald, P. Parr
Directors Absent
D. McMurray
Guests Present
M. Pettey, S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve July Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
A. Eberhardt |
J. Zappone |
K. Linane-Booey |
D. McMurray |
Social Lunch
II. Finance
Financial Reports
III. Consent Agenda
Approve July Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2327-2348
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $138,976.01 In addition, payroll in the amount of $57,552.91 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2327-2348
totaling $100,123.85
Payroll totaling $57,552.91
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 38,852.16
Approve Policies & Procedures: 3207, 3207P,2190, 2190P,2415, 2415P,2162, 6700,6700P,2413,6220, 6220P,2410,2410P,2161P,3122,3241, 3241P,3246
WSSDA model policy changes.
Approve Employee & Student Handbooks
IV. Retreat Topics
Lumen Data Presentation - Melissa Petty
Digging into Lumen Performance Frameworks & data-
* Performance Framework Results
* Graduate Profile
* Climate & Culture Survey
* Attendance
* MAP Growth
* Parenting Class
* Flourishing Life
Board Committees
Discussion of the committees and board members select which committees they want to serve on for the upcoming year.
Committee Assignments:
Governance: Kenji, Andrea
Finance: Cory, Liz, Andrea
Development: Jenny, Pam, Linda, Darcy
Academic: Barbara, Gene, April
ED Eval: Pam, Jene
Vote on Board Director Slate
This has been tabled until the September board meeting.
Funding the Gap
Lumen has a set budget. We have set revenue sources, based on the revenue and expenses there will be a substantive gap that was anticipated. The goal is to find multi year grants to fill the revenue gap.
Discussion around the possibilities of finding larger grantors and a possible local tax strategy.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Upcoming Opportunities:
- Non Quorum get together with SPS board
- Non Quorum get together with GLOW board
Everything is looking good. We are at 92% of total budget. Most of the expenditure categories are trending low. Certificated salaries are trending higher than classified salaries. I misclassified one employee for the year so the correction moves her from classified to certificated. I will move the remaining amount for her before the end of the year. This will cause us to be over budget in certificated salaries but also under budget in classified salaries. It does not affect our overall performance.