Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday February 22, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Estes, B. Gongyin, C. Plager, D. McMurray, J. Ray, L. McDonald, P. Parr, Z. Kellen
Directors Absent
G. Sementi
Guests Present
J. Schatz, M. Pettey, S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
Approve January Regular Meeting Minutes
II. Finance
Financial Reports
III. Consent Agenda
January Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2144-2173
Policy 3116
Procedure 3116
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $104,340.39 In addition, payroll in the amount of $61,264.56 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2144- 2173
totaling $75,658.63
Payroll totaling $61,264.56
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 28,681.76
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Updates
ED Quick Updates
WSSDA trainings- more dates coming in March- keep an eye out for email from Shauna, Lumen will register you for them.
Legislative Updates- bills didn't move forward- but there is money written into the budget in both the house and senate this year, $1500 per student.
V. Committees
Event coming March 2nd- 66 tickets sold so far
Invite your friends.
Items- if you have anything last minute let us know.
Student Academic Focus Work Session
Academic updates from principal -
Review new measures of Success with SPS
Next year is re-authorization year
Measured on - 4 Pillars
1. Academics
2. Holistic Health
3. Multi-generational Support
d. Future Readiness
Academic Knowledge
1.Students attend 8 months or more
2. Students who attend 60% of the time will earn 3 or more credits per semester or 6 credits per year towards graduation
3. Students will graduate HS in the amount of time anticipated
Holistic Support
1. Students Flourishing Life scores in the areas of social awareness and self care will trend upward over the course of the year
2. Vulnerable or Strained - they need outside service - WISE, Group Therapy, Private Practice
3. Attendance is number one indicator of success - always working to increase to 60%
Open Seat - New online coaching platform - Gates foundation providing weekly coaching
What do students want to talk about - Support with motivation, time management, relationship with parents and/or caregiver (needs to be a part of the school day)
More students in an internship then in the class. Very positive to have students in professional environments.
Multi-generational Support - Parenting class - - working with Shades of Motherhood
Case Studies - Reviewed student packets and share Think, See, Wonder's
Academic updates from principal -
Review new measures of Success with SPS
Next year is re-authorization year
Measured on - 4 Pillars
1. Academics
2. Holistic Health
3. Multi-generational Support
d. Future Readiness
Academic Knowledge
1.Students attend 8 months or more
2. Students who attend 60% of the time will earn 3 or more credits per semester or 6 credits per year towards graduation
3. Students will graduate HS in the amount of time anticipated
Holistic Support
1. Students Flourishing Life scores in the areas of social awareness and self care will trend upward over the course of the year
2. Vulnerable or Strained - they need outside service - WISE, Group Therapy, Private Practice
3. Attendance is number one indicator of success - always working to increase to 60%
Open Seat - New online coaching platform - Gates foundation providing weekly coaching
What do students want to talk about - Support with motivation, time management, relationship with parents and/or caregiver (needs to be a part of the school day)
More students in an internship then in the class. Very positive to have students in professional environments.
Multi-generational Support - Parenting class - - working with Shades of Motherhood
Case Studies - Reviewed student packets and share Think, See, Wonder's
Governance Committee
- Recruitment- inviting prospects to the fundraiser on March 2nd. Shauna make a spreadsheet and share it out with anyone.
- Glow board connection- how do we build that bridge to make it happen?
- Leadership class wants to come share at the Lumen board meeting- March, April, May
Finance compliance training- zoom link will be sent if you missed it. Categories recommended in the call confusing to many. Jared gave updates
Finance reports from January- supplies a little high, Jared going to dig in.