Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 18, 2024 at 2:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Estes, B. Gongyin, C. Plager, D. McMurray, G. Sementi, L. McDonald, P. Parr (remote), Z. Kellen (remote)
Directors Absent
J. Perkins, J. Ray
Guests Present
S. Edwards
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
Approve December Regular Meeting Minutes
II. Public Comment
Open to public comment
Auditor Report
III. Finance
Financial Reports
Received financials from foundations this month.
Payroll is as expected.
Supplies a bit over - Services are down.
IV. Consent Agenda
December Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2118-2143
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $130,678.27 In addition, payroll in the amount of $61,926.21 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2118- 2143
totaling $102,186.11
Payroll totaling $61,926.21
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 28,492.16
V. Updates
ED Quick Updates
- HUG Construction - great partner in internships.
- Legislative Updates - Bill 5442
- Lunch and Learn school finance training - Feb. 9th - Compliance for Charter Accountability Bill that went through. Every Board member needs to register and attend.
- Partnership updates - working with CHAS - for onsite medical clinic. Would like to be in building. We can access any clinics that are open - like at Rogers, NC, and Shadle.
Well checks and well baby checks.
- Partner with Lutheran - Wise team partnership. Located downtown.
- Winter Break - 2 weeks off Dec. 22 - Jan 8. Students were connecting with mentors. Sonderan Manufacturing provided winter bags - food gift cards. Hard time of year.
Staff & Student Sharing
Student Sharing - Mi'Leeyah - been a student here at Lumen since the beginning. Shared it has been really helpful to have constant staff year to year. Struggles with trust issues and she trusts the staff here because they are constant. Loves working with Miranda. I dropped out of Lumen for a year and tried to go to NC and then returned to Lumen. Would love to be be a lawyer. Starting an internship in a couple weeks - would love to do the nursing internship. I take the bus to school every day from Cheney with 3 kids. Lumen helped her get a stroller for all 3 kids to take the bus to school. Favorite thing about Lumen is that I have voice in what happens here. Also, loves that the learning is hands on and real life learning. Shared about recent project - The Genetics of Addiction. And also shared about another project on safe "sharps disposal."
VI. Committees
- Illuminate the Night is right around the corner - March 2nd.
- There will be a hard copy of the invitation.
- A couple new sponsors this year and sponsors re-upping from last year.
- Auction donations - keep coming in.
- Live Auction - Rose is the auctioneer.
- Auction sponsors - we need sooner for printing and logos.
- Vexing Media is doing the story telling - feedback from last year is that guests liked the shorter videos throughout the auction. Storytelling throughout the night.
Governance Committee
Meeting with the Glow Board - Focus on relationship and collaboration about fundraiser.
Zinzi - Governance spotlight - Recruiting more Board Members
Open a conversation about how the process works and what needs the Board has.
Suggestions - what skills we are looking for - well connected from Spokane.
- Legal representation
- Need to take a look at the process.
- 9 members on the Board currently. Bylaws say can go up to 11 or 12.
- Next meeting - bring suggestions for process.
- List of potential Board members
VII. Other Board Business
Other Business
Next month student data review. Lead time with content would be helpful so we can read through to more thoughtful.
Charter School Data Day - At Lumen - Staff going through all academic data. Big check in on how students are doing.
No informational items to report back. No issues or findings.