Lumen Public School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday November 16, 2023 at 2:30 PM
Directors Present
A. Estes, B. Gongyin, D. McMurray, G. Sementi, J. Ray, L. McDonald, P. Parr
Directors Absent
C. Plager, J. Perkins, Z. Kellen
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Land Acknowledgement
Approve October Regular Meeting Minutes
II. Consent Agenda
October Payroll, EFT and Accounts Payable # 2052-2084
The following vouchers as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment totaling $126,438.97. In addition, payroll in the amount of $62,397.82 is also approved.
Voucher numbers 2052-2084
totaling $ 95,037.08
Payroll totaling $61,962.30
Electronic Funds transfers totaling $ 31,401.89
III. Updates
Student & Staff Sharing
Shauna sharing - Shared how the community has really stepped up to support Lumen students through Thanksgiving, Christmas and winter break.
Winter Break Updates
Shauna shared how Lumen students would be supported through the winter break.
IV. Committees
Governance- Recruitment
Community connections
Legal skills
Financial connection
Diverse representation
Jene - Charter School in Renton Valley - connection with Charter School
Illuminate the Night 5:30 - 8:00
Receive packet and donation letter.
Save the Date
Ticket link available
Working towards covering the event with full Sponsorship
Student sharing - Kylie. Senior at Lumen - 1 year old daughter. Kylie feels completely supported by Lumen. She said "My entire life is supported by Lumen." Her dream for Lumen is to have a parking garage.