KTEC Governance Board
Governance Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday June 28, 2024 at 8:00 AM
Directors Present
P. Schofield (remote), R. Czarnecki (remote), R. Patterson (remote), S. Brown (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Laws
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Hodges (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
S. Hodges (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Academics
Discussion around testing plan
III. Facilities
Mold remediation
Basement looking better, discussed repeating 3rd party retest. Some parents that are changing schools have stated they are concerned about the air quality in the building, as well as some of the teachers that are leaving.
Updates on move to new building
Discussed locker room remodel needs and cost. Approved locker room remodel expenditure.
IV. Finance
Discussed staff openings and reasons given, some concern by staff expressed over the mold in the building. Discussed split classes, board would prefer we not look at split classes. A dean has resigned to move schools, Scott recommended we stay at two deans. Making changes to some assignments to meet needs.
Discussed possible staff retirements in coming years.
V. Enrollment
Building constraints
Our charter states we can have up to 1220 students. The district is restricting our enrollment in two ways, first by saying we cannot have more than 1098, however, they moved us into a building that cannot accommodate more than 1050 students.
Scott is recommending we look at the number of sections per grade in following years to accommodate the lower number of students. The board reiterated that it is important to us to serve as many students as possible.
Waitlist progress
Scott shared enrollment has declined. Currently at 1018 students.They are calling families on the wait list. Scott shared that, unlike in previous years, he is being instructed to stop adding new students by 6/28/24. In previous years, we added students up until the third Friday, which aligns with our contract, which states we can utilize the wait list until the end of the first semester to fill open seats.
Bill Haithcock and Kim Fischer were added to the meeting. Bill shared that Scott was given a month to complete picking up all students, Bill contacted Joe while Scott was on vacation to reiterate the deadline.
Scott shared the district is looking to move away from MAP testing to using the Forward testing data.