Compass Rose Public Schools
Compass Rose Board Meeting and Board Workshop
Date and Time
Friday January 19, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Compass Rose Network Offices
1777 NE Loop 410
Suite 101
San Antonio, Texas
Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Compass Rose Public Schools will be held at the designated location on the above date and time.
The meetings will occur via videoconference call with either a presiding officer present or a quorum physically present as permitted by the Open Meetings Act. A videoconference link can be found here:
A quorum of members of the Board will participate in the meetings and will be audible to the public.
Members of the public may submit comments on any agenda items(s) of the Regular Meeting to before or during consideration of the item. Anyone wishing to speak must email Pamela Awbrey at least 10 minutes before the Regular Meeting start time.
During the meeting, the Board will consider, discuss, and may take action upon any of the items on the agenda. Items will not necessarily be discussed or considered in the order they are printed on the agenda below. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in an Executive or Closed session, the Board will convene in such Executive or Closed Session as permitted by and in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551. While some directors will join via videoconference, a quorum will be physically present at the posted location in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.127. The videoconference will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 552.
Directors Present
A. Herrera Jr., C. Hernandez, K. Colombero (remote), K. Grimes, M. Walker, T. Morenz
Directors Absent
D. Martinez
Ex Officio Members Present
P. Morrissey
Non Voting Members Present
P. Morrissey
Guests Present
L. Reed, P. Awbrey, Phil Vaughan, R. Burke
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
Approve minutes from December 1, 2023 board meeting
Contract Expenditures
GPA and Ranking Policy
Discussion: Board needed to understand how we use the word "citizenship" in the policy.
The board adopted the GPA and Ranking policy with a change to the wording "citizenship" under "Class Ranking" page 6 of the Compass Rose HS Course Catalog
Updated version:
III. Finance & Facility
Financial Audit Presentation & Approval
Phil Vaughan presented the financial audit to the board.
There was a clean opinion.
There were no material or significant findings.
Other recommendations: Work towards taking more ownership of year-end accruals and financial reporting entries and consider implementing electronic PO for all purchases for improved recordkeeping and to encumber pending purchases against the budget.
Resolution for Municipal Fairness Notice
Financial Reports
Resolution for Chaplain Policy
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
V. Board Workshop
Board Vision, Role, Strengths and Opportunities
Board created a vision for their leadership. The board took an assessment about the board's function on Board On Track and strengths and areas for opportunity were discussed.
Board Growth
We reviewed the competencies needed for the board, the desire and need to have more board members, and conducted some network mapping to identify potential new board members.
Futuro Presentation
CEO Updates and Strategic Planning
Compass Rose is currently conducting the 2030 Strategic Plan. An update on the progress was shared with the board. A draft of the strategic plan will be presented to the board on April 5th.
Board Workshop Closing
- Contracts Summary 2023.11.pdf
- Class Ranking Policy Edit.pdf
- SY 23-24 Compass Rose HS Course Catalog.pdf
- Compass Rose 2023 Audit Highlights.pdf
- Compass Rose 2023 Financials.pdf
- Compass Rose 2023 Projected FIRST Rating.pdf
- Compass Rose 2023 Letter to the Board.pdf
- Audit Certificate of the Board.pdf
- Resolution - Municipal Fairness 2024.01.19.pdf
- 2023.11 Financial Summary.pdf
- 2023.11 Board Reports.pdf
- 2023.11 Monthly Investment Report.pdf
- Board Resolution - Chaplains[87][97].pdf
- 24.01.18 CRPS Destiny Modulars.pdf
- 24.01.15 CRPS Destiny Budget Update.pdf
No action was taken on this agenda item.
Larry Ray Reed will add the current disclosures of conflicts of interest to the April 5th board packet for the board to review. The board will then vote as part of the consent agenda.