Compass Rose Public Schools


Compass Rose Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday July 28, 2023 at 11:00 AM


Compass Rose Ingenuity

522 Billy Mitchell Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78226, USA

Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Compass Rose Public Schools will be held at the designated location on the above date and time. 


The meetings will occur via videoconference call with either a presiding officer present or a quorum physically present as permitted by the Open Meetings Act. A videoconference link can be found here: 

A quorum of members of the Board will participate in the meetings and will be audible to the public.   


Members of the public may submit comments on any agenda items(s) of the Regular Meeting to before or during consideration of the item. Anyone wishing to speak must email Pamela Awbrey at least 10 minutes before the Regular Meeting start time.   


During the meeting, the Board will consider, discuss, and may take action upon any of the items on the agenda. Items will not necessarily be discussed or considered in the order they are printed on the agenda below. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in an Executive or Closed session, the Board will convene in such Executive or Closed Session as permitted by and in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551. While some directors will join via videoconference, a quorum will be physically present at the posted location in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.127. The videoconference will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 552.  

Directors Present

A. Herrera Jr. (remote), C. Hernandez, D. Barfield (remote), K. Colombero (remote), K. Grimes (remote), K. Indorf (remote), M. Walker (remote), T. Morenz (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Martinez, S. Mekuria-Grillo

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

K. Colombero

Ex Officio Members Present

P. Morrissey

Non Voting Members Present

P. Morrissey

Guests Present

Angie Williams (remote), P. Awbrey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Hernandez called a meeting of the board of directors of Compass Rose Public Schools to order on Friday Jul 28, 2023 at 11:04 AM.

II. Public Comment


No public comment present

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

K. Indorf made a motion to approve the minutes from 5.19.2023 Compass Rose Board Meeting on 05-19-23.
T. Morenz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
K. Colombero arrived.


Contracted Expenditures

This item was moved for later discussion and vote in the finance update part of the agenda and was not included in the consent agenda.

T. Morenz made a motion to Approve the contracted expenditures.
K. Indorf seconded the motion.

Larry Ray reviewed the contract expenditures with the board. Added contracts for this fiscal year and shared those for the next fiscal year. Board had time to review and then vote.

This item was moved from the consent agenda to the financial part of the agenda.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


23-24 Board Calendar

K. Indorf made a motion to Approve the 23-24 board calendar.
T. Morenz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


TEKS Certification Form and Submission

K. Indorf made a motion to Approve.
T. Morenz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Employee Handbook Approval

K. Indorf made a motion to Approve the changes to the 23-24 employee handbook.
T. Morenz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Program Highlight



Pam discussed the current state of our newest school Impact along with current enrollment and new partnerships.


International Teachers Update

Pam shared the arrival and training of our 48 new international teachers.

V. CEO Update


Safety Update

Paul shared the status of our school safety updates in response to legislative session requirements.


Performance, Accountability, and Results Timelines

Paul shared timeline of receiving student state testing results along with timeline to receive district performance rating from TEA.


Facilities Development and Opportunities Update

Paul shared updates to additions to Destiny, opportunity with Manor ISD and Network Office space opportunity.

VI. Finance & Facility


Auditor Selection

M. Walker made a motion to Approve the auditor selection.
A. Herrera Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Budget Proposal

M. Walker made a motion to adopt the 23-24 budget proposal.
K. Indorf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Financial Reports

VII. Governance


Board Training Reminder

Paul reviewed training requirements due by November 1st for the board.

K. Colombero made a motion to Move to executive closed session.
M. Walker seconded the motion.

After discussing the last agenda item, the board approved to move into executive session topics.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VIII. Executive Session pursuant to:


Sec. 551.074 Personnel Matters - Compensation Considerations

Larry Ray presented and board discussed proposed 23-24 CEO compensation and comparison to the market.

K. Colombero made a motion to approve CEO compensation.
M. Walker seconded the motion.

The discussion happened in closed session and the vote and approval came once the committee was back in general session.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Sec. 551.089 School Safety Plans - Guard

Angie Williams discussed our safety plan options to implement for 23-24 in response to new legislative session updates on school safety requirements.

T. Morenz made a motion to approve the addition of school security and the marshall program.
A. Herrera Jr. seconded the motion.

Board discussed in closed session and voted and approved once back in general session.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IX. Other Business


Consider and take possible action on items discussed in closed session

Board discussed CEO compensation and Safety Plans in closed session.

Board voted and approved CEO compensation and Safety plans once back in general session.


Consider and approve delay of CR Opportunity and Venture (1 year)

M. Walker made a motion to approve the delay of CR Opportunity and CR Venture for one year.
K. Colombero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Colombero made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Morenz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Awbrey
Documents used during the meeting
  • 23-24 Board Calendar _ DRAFT.pdf
  • 23-24 teks-certification-allotment-survey-fillable-form_Compass Rose.docx.pdf
  • Staff Handbook Changes for 2023-2024.pdf
  • DRAFT Staff Handbook 2023-2024.pdf
  • Compass Rose 2023 Engagement Letter.pdf
  • Operating Budget Proposal (by Fund) 2023-2024.pdf
  • Operating Budget Proposal Summary 2023-2024 V1.pdf
  • Operating Budget Proposal Summary 2023-2024 (COMPARISON).pdf
  • 2023.05 Board Reports.pdf
  • 2023.05 ESSER & TCLAS.pdf
  • 2023.05 Financial Summary .pdf
  • CEO Employment Agreement & Incentives 2023-24.pdf
  • Safety Regulations Summary.pdf
  • Board Resolution (postpone campus opening).docx