Living School


Quarterly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 23, 2019 at 5:00 PM


Living School, 6003 Bullard Avenue

Directors Present

A. Herrera (remote), D. Lister, I. Bamgbàlà Arẹ̀sà, I. King-Robins, M. Davis (remote), M. Hash (remote), M. Lehnherr, P. Roussel, R. Ashmore, T. Millard

Directors Absent

D. Mitchell, J. Ojo, J. Wagner-Romero, N. Mock

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

I. Bamgbàlà Arẹ̀sà

Guests Present

J. Daschbach, S. Pasternak

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Lister called a meeting of the board of directors of Living School to order on Wednesday Jan 23, 2019 at 5:14 PM.


Approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting

M. Lehnherr made a motion to approve minutes from the Bi-Monthly Board Meeting on 11-11-18 Bi-Monthly Board Meeting on 11-11-18.
R. Ashmore seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Other Business


Establish Living School LEA

Stefin presents details on LEA decision.

- LS controls its own direct reporting and will directly receive grants and funding rather than work through OPSB.
- Long term, this grants us the ability to choose our own Special Education provider. We will avoid the 5% chargeback for OPSB services.
- We are independent. No external party at OPSB reviews our reporting.
- Independent status requires us to secure SpEd services and meet student needs on our own.

Have we modeled the expected expense of serving our own SpEd students?
We have built expenses into our model and revenue increases based on student needs through the Differentiated Funding.
We need to be vigilant about SpEd services and our ability to serve needs of all students.
SpEd compliance is a concern for a start-up. Will we have the expertise to meet the needs of all students?

3 major costs concerns for SpEd services:
  • Transportation
  • 1 on 1 personnel needs (para)
  • Litigation
Student protections in place for students with:
  • IEP
  • 504 plan accomodations
  • Interventions (RTI)
  • ELL

R. Ashmore made a motion to Living School establish our own LEA.
T. Millard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Mitchell
D. Lister
N. Mock
M. Hash
J. Ojo
I. Bamgbàlà Arẹ̀sà
M. Lehnherr
I. King-Robins
A. Herrera
R. Ashmore
T. Millard
M. Davis
J. Wagner-Romero
P. Roussel

III. Finance & Facilities Committee


Review OKRs

I. Bamgbàlà Arẹ̀sà left.


KR 1.3: Campus Updates

Eskew Dumez Ripple completed a Day of Service for Living School on MLK Day. A team of architects worked on design solutions for a variety of issues for Years 1 - 5. Floor plans, and a variety of informational materials.

Board is invited to celebrate at AIA to show the results from the project.


KR 2.1: Review Financial Dashboard for Nov & Dec 2018

December books closing includes grant, reimbursement, and donation revenue with highest upcoming costs including legal costs, pilot costs, and consultants for communication & recruitment.

Planning Year Budget has now been converted into state mandated LAUGH Guide reporting codes.

The budget will be adopted later this spring.


KR 2.2: Approve CIPA Policy

D. Lister made a motion to approve the current CIPA policy with the intent to revise the policy to align with Living School language.
M. Lehnherr seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


KR 2.1: FY19-20 Budgeting Process Launch

IV. Development Committee


Review OKRs

Six grants to be applied for in the next month.


KR 1.4: Board-hosted friend-raisers

Alon Shaya fundraiser will take place at Ashe next week 1/30/19.

Please invite potential donors.

Looking into smaller fundraisers at private homes.


Recruitment Update

94 students have listed us on OneApp.


V. Governance


Review OKRs


KR 1.2: Governance Grader (Attendance & Participation + Communication)


KR 1.3: Board Assessment

Board assessment is an important element of diagnosing areas of need to help us improve our effectiveness and oversight.

Homework: each Board Member will take the assessment by the next meeting.


KR 1.3: Board Training - Legal Guidelines

Board members should read the Legal Handbook by the next LS Board Meeting.

What specific documents do committees need to review to be more effective?
- Each committee should report back with identified documents and systems to improve their work.


Bylaw Amendment Process Launch

VI. Closing Items


Review February Committee Meeting calendar


Adjourn Meeting

R. Ashmore made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
P. Roussel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Lister