Living School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 17, 2019 at 6:00 PM CDT


Living School, 6003 Bullard Ave., New Orleans, LA 70128
All are welcome at Living School Board Meetings.  Translation is available with 24 hours notice.  Public comment is welcome on any item on the agenda.  Members of the public wishing to comment, may raise their hand and be recognized by the Board Chair to speak for up to 2 minutes per person, per agenda item.  On any matter up for a vote, public comment must be heard prior to taking the Board's vote.  For members of the public wishing to address the Board for longer than 2 minutes on any given agenda item, please give the Board Chair at least 24 hours notice to be added to the agenda.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on August 20, 2019
II. CEO Support & Evaluation Committee
  A. Committee FY20 Goals

GOAL 1: Conduct a comprehensive & effective end-of-the-year CEO evaluation
- Task 1.1: Conduct baseline CEO evaluation (8/30/19).
- Task 1.2: Develop a way to incorporate student & family feedback into the CEO evaluation (4/1/20).
- Task 1.3: Conduct Year 1 CEO evaluation (6/30/20).

GOAL 2: Steward effective climate & culture
- Task 2.1: Establish a system for collating and distributing the data and information from each committee (9/30/19).

  B. CEO Report
Refer to CEO Report
III. Finance & Facilities Committee
  A. Committee FY20 Goals

GOAL 1: Monitor Organizational Sustainability
- Task 1.1: Develop protocol for using monthly dashboard (8/31/19).
- Task 1.2: Conduct annual audit (6/30/20).
- Task 1.3: Monitor FY20 Budget and revise as needed (6/30/20).

GOAL 2: Plan for expansion
- Task 2.1: Build variations in our financial model for different future circumstances.
- Task 2.2: Build facilities plans and decision making timeline for future circumstances.

GOAL 3: Approve CIPA Policy

  B. Finance Dashboard & Report
IV. Academic & Culture Committee
  A. Committee FY20 Goals
GOAL 1: Support the hiring & training of a strong founding team.
- Task 1.1: Review Staff Odyssey calendar to make sure it's comprehensive & appropriate (6/15/19).
- Task 1.2: Complete 1st quarter pop-in observations and debriefs (9/30/19).

GOAL 2: Develop annual evaluation tools, processes, and metrics for academics & culture
- Task 2.1: Develop Academic & Culture dashboard to track data at monthly meetings (8/31/19).
- Task 2.2: Align Graduate Profile, Staff Development Rubric, & Academic/Culture dashboard to the mission (10/31/19).
V. Development & Recruitment Committee
  A. Committee FY20 Goals

Goal 1: Recruit 80 students for each class 
- Task 1.1: Recruit 80 students for Class of 2023 (10/1/19)
- Task 1.2: Recruit 80 students for Class of 2024 (6/30/20)

Goal 2: Raise $150K (+$10K for every student under 80 that we enroll).

VI. Governance Committee
  A. Committee FY20 Goals

Goal 1: Clarify Board recruitment & composition strategy
- Task 1.1: Meet with Richard about donor cultivation events.
- Task 1.2: Create list of Board needs.
- Task 1.3: Create list of community members to cultivate.
- Task 1.4: Host board cultivation events.

Goal 2: Implement & improve Board development plan
- Task 2.1: Improve Board participation, effectiveness, independence, & consistency.
- Task 2.2: Raise funds for Board development & refreshments.

Goal 3: Improve communications
- Task 3.1: Utilize Board Members with large social media followings to increase communication across lines of difference.
- Task 3.2: Create an emergency communication plan.

VII. Board Business
  A. Committee Structure

Do 5 committees feel important to serve the organization or does it make sense to consolidate expertise into 3 committees:

- Academics, Culture, & CEO Evaluation
- Finance, Facilities, Development, & Recruitment
- Governance

VIII. Closing Items
  A. Review Upcoming Dates
Refer to Board Calendar
- Tue 10/1 - Semi-annual reporting deadline
- Tue 10/8 - Overcoming Racism Training
- Tue 10/15 - Committee & Board Meetings
  B. Adjourn Meeting