Living School

Annual Board Retreat

Date and Time

Sunday May 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM CDT


Living School, 6003 Bullard Ave, Ste 16, New Orleans, LA 70128
All are welcome at Living School Board Meetings.  Translation is available with 24 hours notice.  Public comment is welcome on any item on the agenda.  Members of the public wishing to comment, may raise their hand and be recognized by the Board Chair to speak for up to 2 minutes per person, per agenda item.  On any matter up for a vote, public comment must be heard prior to taking the Board's vote.  For members of the public wishing to address the Board for longer than 2 minutes on any given agenda item, please give the Board Chair at least 24 hours notice to be added to the agenda.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on March 25, 2019
II. Board Training
  A. State of Education in New Orleans
III. Other Business
  A. Elect Tristram Millard Secretary
  B. CEO Monthly Report
  C. Director of Data & Finance Report
  D. Approve Board on Track CEO Evaluation Tool
  E. Approve Board on Track CEO Evaluation Process
  F. Approve Staff Handbook

Refer to Living School Staff Handbook

  G. Bylaws Amendment XII
  H. Bylaws Amendment XIII
  I. Bylaws Amendment XIV
  J. Re-elect William Lister Board Chair

His term as Chair started 1/22/18 and will end 1/22/20 if re-elected.

  K. Re-elect India King-Robins Vice-Chair

Her term as Vice-Chair started 1/22/18 and will end 1/22/20 if re-elected.

  L. Approve Act 696 Policy

Louisiana Legislature approved Act 696 in late 2018.  LEAs are required to adopt a policy about provision of mental and behavioral health services during school hours. Our policy below is adapted from OPSB's recommended policy language.

Living School Act 696 Policy

IV. FY20 Strategic Planning
  A. CEO Presentation of 3-year Vision
Over the next 3 years, Living School will grow from 80 students in 9th grade to 240 students in grades 9 - 11.  Some of what we hope is true of our school, work, and organization by then:
  1. We develop consistent demand that fully-enrolls the school on an annual basis.
  2. We are financially sustainable with more than 90% of our annual operating budget coming from regular public funds, only using grants and donations to fund special projects.
  3. We are doing work that our students, families, and staff are consistently satisfied with as evidenced both by retention rates, anecdotal data, and annual survey data.
  4. We are able to document the impact of our work on the holistic wellbeing of our students & families and we are beginning to think about how to measure the impact of our work on our communities and the environment.
  5. We are doing work that is provoking thought, collaboration, and education sector evolution across New Orleans as evidenced by the strength of our staff applicant pool, number of visitors, and the professional collaboratives we are invited to or organize.
  B. Committees Reflect on FY19 OKRs
Committees should follow the following protocol:

1) Review last year's Objectives & Key Results

    a) What went well?
    b) What can we do even better?

2) Review CEO's 3-year vision

    a) What are the most relevant contributions this committee can make?

3) Set FY20 Committee Goals & Input into Board on Track
V. CEO Support & Evaluation
CEO Support & Evaluation
  A. Review FY 19 OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Recruit, develop, & retain exceptional staff
KR 1.1: Develop a clear, consistent, equitable hiring process - Some small updates in recent months
KR 1.2: Develop a compensation & growth framework (7/31/18) - To be discussed today
KR 1.3: Create a differentiated development process (10/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring

OBJECTIVE 2: Establish powerful climate & culture
KR 2.1: Develop organizational decision-making process (7/31/18) - To be discussed today by Governance with Bylaws Revision
KR 2.2: Develop organizational policies & procedures around clear, professional communication (10/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring
KR 2.3: Develop personnel handbook (7/31/18) - To be discussed today
KR 2.4: Develop organizational definition of equity (12/31/18) - To be finalized at Board Retreat in May
  B. Present FY20 Goals
VI. Governance
  A. Review FY19 OKRs
OBJECTIVE1: Develop a well-governed organization

KR 1.1: Everyone complete action items from monthly updates (7/31/18) - Following up monthly with individuals
KR 1.2: Create a Board communication strategy (7/31/18) - Currently in implementation

KR 1.3: Create a Board strategic development plan (9/30/18) Currently in implementation
KR 1.4: Develop Board Member handbook & training protocol (12/31/18)
KR 1.5: Develop criteria for Board composition & recruitment (5/31/19) - In progress for later this spring
KR 1.6: Conduct annual review & revision of organizational bylaws (4/15/19) - To be discussed today
KR 1.7: Develop 2019-20 Board Calendar (4/15/19) - To be discussed today
  B. Present FY20 Goals
VII. Finance & Facilities Committee
Finance & Facilities Committee
  A. Review FY19 OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Secure a temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (February 2019)
- KR 1.1: Draft short and long term schedules (7/31/18) - Completed
- KR 1.2: Identify strong potential sites (10/1/18) - Completed

- KR 1.3: Sign lease on temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (2/1/19) - Completed!!!

OBJECTIVE 2: Build a financially viable organization (June 2019)
- KR 2.1: Write clear operating budgets to establish development needs (6/30/18)
- KR 2.2: Establish appropriate controls & procedures for financial management (7/1/18) - Financial policies & controls to be approved today
  B. Present FY20 Goals
VIII. Academic & Culture Committee
Charter App Committee
  A. Review FY19 OKRs
Goal 1: Build out annual evaluation & metrics for school academics & culture
Goal 2: Support the hiring & training of strong founding team
  B. Present FY20 Goals
IX. Development Committee
Development Committee
  A. Review FY19 OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Raise $275K
KR 1.1: Follow up on outstanding grant applications (5/31/18) -Earned $111,500 this FY from grant apps
KR 1.2: Find and apply for new grants (1/31/19) - Preparing for a new round of applications in the next 60 days
KR 1.3: Steward existing donors (5/31/18) -Preparing for spring outreach
KR 1.4: Cultivate new donors (12/31/18) - Upcoming Shaya dinner on 1/30
KR 1.5: Develop our marketing & social media capacity (12/31/18) - Working with BAMM communications
  B. Present FY20 Goals
X. Closing Items
  A. Review June Board Meeting Calendar
  B. Adjourn Meeting