Living School

Academic & Culture Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM CDT


Living School, 6003 Bullard Ave, Ste 16, New Orleans, LA 70128
All are welcome at Living School Board Meetings.  Translation is available with 24 hours notice.  Public comment is welcome on any item on the agenda.  Members of the public wishing to comment, may raise their hand and be recognized by the Board Chair to speak for up to 2 minutes per person, per agenda item.  On any matter up for a vote, public comment must be heard prior to taking the Board's vote.  For members of the public wishing to address the Board for longer than 2 minutes on any given agenda item, please give the Board Chair at least 24 hours notice to be added to the agenda.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Academic & Culture Committee Meeting on March 7, 2019
  D. Approve December Minutes
II. Charter App Committee
Charter App Committee
  A. Review Committee OKRs
Goal 1: Build out annual evaluation & metrics for school academics & culture
Goal 2: Support the hiring & training of strong founding team
  B. Goal 2: Review Staff Development Systems
Refer to 5 tabs on The Playbook:
1. Yearlong Calendar
2. Daily & Master Schedule
3. Staff Odyssey
4. Staff Development Schedule/Structures
5. Staff Development Rubric

Are our Staff Development structures adequate to support our team?
- Is there enough time for teachers to collaborate and plan effectively?
- Is there enough time to have staff use data meaningfully?
- Are there enough resources to support the ambitious work we're taking on?
  C. Goal 1: Updates on Metrics Planning
Refer to Measuring Equity

What are the most important things to be measuring?
- How do we measure equity? Wellness?

What is the most effective, sustainable way to measure them?
- How can we first look to use what we already have to measure to glean the information we're looking for before introducing new metrics?

What systems to we need to put in place to support this measurement?
- As part of New Schools Venture Fund, we'll be required to use MAP Testing to track academic outcomes and a TransformingEd survey to track social & emotional outcomes.
III. Closing Items
  A. Review Grant Connections from Development Committee

The Development Committee asks that all Board Members please take 10 minutes to review the Potential Connections tab on our Grant Tracker to see if any Board Members might be able to broker potentially useful connections with prospective funders.

  B. Adjourn Meeting