Living School

Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday February 18, 2019 at 5:00 PM CST



I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting on December 17, 2018
II. Facilities Committee
Facilities Committee
  A. Review Committee OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Secure a temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (February 2019)
- KR 1.1: Draft short and long term schedules (7/31/18)
- KR 1.2: Identify strong potential sites (10/1/18)

- KR 1.3: Sign lease on temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (2/1/19) - To be discussed tonight
- KR 1.4: Prepare facility for opening day (7/1/19)

OBJECTIVE 2: Build a financially viable organization (June 2019)
- KR 2.1: Write clear operating budgets to establish development needs (6/30/18)
- KR 2.2: Establish appropriate controls & procedures for financial management (7/1/18)
- KR 2.3: Approve operating budget for FY 19-20 (4/1/19)
  B. 2.2: Monthly Financial Dashboard Review
  C. 2.3: FY 19-20 Budget Work
Compare OPSB Charter App Budget with working Year 1 Budget
Review timeline & stakeholder input to prepare for March Board Meeting Approval
Schedule Committee Review before 3/10 Board Meeting
  D. 1.4: Updates on 6003 Bullard Ave Lease & Renovations
Refer to Facilities Planning Doc
Update on furniture and fixtures
Plan tentative timeline for improvements, programming, & launch
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting