Living School

Quarterly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 23, 2019 at 5:00 PM CST


Living School, 6003 Bullard Avenue


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting
    Approve minutes for Bi-Monthly Board Meeting on November 11, 2018
II. New section
  A. Public Comment
III. Other Business
  A. Establish Living School LEA
IV. Finance & Facilities Committee
Finance & Facilities Committee
  A. Review OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Secure a temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (February 2019)
- KR 1.1: Draft short and long term schedules (7/31/18) - Completed
- KR 1.2: Identify strong potential sites (10/1/18) - Completed

- KR 1.3: Sign lease on temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (2/1/19) - Completed!!!

OBJECTIVE 2: Build a financially viable organization (June 2019)
- KR 2.1: Write clear operating budgets to establish development needs (6/30/18)
- KR 2.2: Establish appropriate controls & procedures for financial management (7/1/18) - Ongoing, CIPA Policy discussed today
  B. KR 1.3: Campus Updates
1. Grand Opening
2. Concordia Student Design Pilots
3. EDR MLK Day of Service Designs (join us Fri 2/1 from 6 - 8 PM)
  C. KR 2.1: Review Financial Dashboard for Nov & Dec 2018
  D. KR 2.2: Approve CIPA Policy
  E. KR 2.1: FY19-20 Budgeting Process Launch
V. Academic & Culture Committee
Charter App Committee
  A. Review OKRs
Goal 1: Build out annual evaluation & metrics for school academics & culture
Goal 2: Support the hiring & training of strong founding team
VI. CEO Support & Evaluation
CEO Support & Evaluation
  A. Review OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Recruit, develop, & retain exceptional staff
KR 1.1: Develop a clear, consistent, equitable hiring process - Some small updates in recent months
KR 1.2: Develop a compensation & growth framework (7/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring
KR 1.3: Create a differentiated development process (10/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring

OBJECTIVE 2: Establish powerful climate & culture
KR 2.1: Develop organizational decision-making process (7/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring
KR 2.2: Develop organizational policies & procedures around clear, professional communication (10/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring
KR 2.3: Develop personnel handbook (7/31/18) - To be finalized later in spring
KR 2.4: Develop organizational definition of equity (12/31/18) - To be finalized at Board Retreat in May
  B. KR 1.1: Hiring Process & Team Updates
VII. Development Committee
Development Committee
  A. Review OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Raise $275K
KR 1.1: Follow up on outstanding grant applications (5/31/18) -Earned $111,500 this FY from grant apps
KR 1.2: Find and apply for new grants (1/31/19) - Preparing for a new round of applications in the next 60 days
KR 1.3: Steward existing donors (5/31/18) -Preparing for spring outreach
KR 1.4: Cultivate new donors (12/31/18) - Upcoming Shaya dinner on 1/30
KR 1.5: Develop our marketing & social media capacity (12/31/18) - Working with BAMM communications
  B. KR 1.4: Board-hosted friend-raisers
  C. Recruitment Update
VIII. Governance
  A. Review OKRs
OBJECTIVE1: Develop a well-governed organization

KR 1.1: Everyone complete action items from monthly updates (7/31/18) - Following up monthly with individuals
KR 1.2: Create a Board communication strategy (7/31/18) - Currently in implementation

KR 1.3: Create a Board strategic development plan (9/30/18) Currently in implementation
KR 1.4: Develop Board Member handbook & training protocol (12/31/18) - In progress for later this spring
KR 1.5: Develop criteria for Board composition & recruitment (5/31/19) - In progress for later this spring
  B. KR 1.2: Governance Grader (Attendance & Participation + Communication)
  C. KR 1.3: Board Assessment
Log into Board on Track and begin FY 19-20 Annual Board Assessment.  We'll use this year's assessment as a baseline for planning development and evaluating our effectiveness moving forward.
  D. KR 1.3: Board Training - Legal Guidelines
LAPCS Legal Handbook 
  • distribute 
  • assign reading 
Group Break Outs (30 minutes) 
Each committee should begin reviewing the document. By the next board meeting, each committee should 
  • report out key takeaways 
  • clarify new systems to establish based on law 
Louisiana Open Meeting Law (Governance) 
Louisiana Legislative Auditor (Finance/Development) 
OPSB Charter Accountability Framework (Academic/Culture/CEO) 
  E. Bylaw Amendment Process Launch
IX. Closing Items
  A. Review February Committee Meeting calendar
  B. Adjourn Meeting