Living School

Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 17, 2018 at 5:00 PM CST



I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting on October 29, 2018
II. Facilities Committee
Facilities Committee
  A. Review Committee OKRs
OBJECTIVE 1: Secure a temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (February 2019)
- KR 1.1: Draft short and long term schedules (7/31/18)
- KR 1.2: Identify strong potential sites (10/1/18)

- KR 1.3: Sign lease on temporary facility for years 1 - 3 (2/1/19) - To be discussed tonight

OBJECTIVE 2: Build a financially viable organization (June 2019)
- KR 2.1: Write clear operating budgets to establish development needs (6/30/18)
- KR 2.2: Establish appropriate controls & procedures for financial management (7/1/18)
  B. Monthly Financial Dashboard Review
  C. Updates on 6003 Bullard Ave Lease & Rennovations
Refer to Facilities Planning Doc
Update on Lease process
Plan tentative timeline for improvements, programming, & launch
  D. Living School CIPA Policy
Review and recommend Living School's "Student Computer Access and Use" policy. This policy is required in order for Living School to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act.
  E. LEA Decision
The Board of Directors must decide whether Living School will operate as a part of Orleans Parish School Board's LEA (Local Education Agency) or as its own LEA.

Timeline surround the decision to opt in to OPSB LEA (Provided by Avery Drake, OPSB LEA Liaison):
  • Now – January
    • Board votes to join the OPSB LEA for the 2019-2020 School Year
  • January
    • Schedule a conference call to discuss questions, updates, LEA Agreement
  • February
    • February 1:  Deadline to notify OPSB of decision to join the OPSB LEAA
    • Other activities (TBD)
  • March
    • Superintendent Recommends OPSB Board Approval
  • April – May
    • Planning sessions between LEA and other departments (Exceptional Children’s Services, Federal Programs, Finance, etc.)
    • LEA Agreement sent to Charter Board for approval and signature
    • Other activities planned (as needed)
  • May – June
    • Signed LEA Agreements receive final approval and signature by the OPSB Board President
  • July
    • July 1:  Charter School becomes a member of the OPSB LEA
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting