Lowcountry Montessori School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 25, 2019 at 6:30 PM


749 Broad River Dr., Beaufort, SC 29906
The mission of Lowcountry Montessori School is to provide an authentic Montessori education building a foundation for lifelong learning.

Directors Present

C. Lucas, D. Pickett, P. Chester, S. Lemstrom, T. Vande Burgt

Directors Absent

D. Fent

Guests Present

A. Horn, M. Bell, M. Zappia, S. Fox

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Pickett called a meeting of the board of directors of Lowcountry Montessori School to order on Thursday Apr 25, 2019 at 6:37 PM.


Reading of Mission Statement


Approval of Agenda

S. Lemstrom made a motion to approve March financials.
T. Vande Burgt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Minutes correction: Approve April financials, needs to be changed to approve March financials.


Statement of Compliance with FOIA


Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

D. Pickett made a motion to approve minutes of March meeting. Board Meeting on 03-28-19.
S. Lemstrom seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Director's Report


March update.

First international trip to Spain over spring break - very successful. Learned a lot about traveling with students internationally and made connections for next time. Won’t do such a large group tour next time. Tomorrow is Coffee with Colleagues from 8:30am - 9:30am and the Board is invited.

III. Committee Reports


Academic Excellence

Did not meet. Scheduled over Spring Break. Leadership Team is working on a partnership with USCB dual enrollment. Charlie Calvert is the Dean of the Hospitality School on HHI. He wants to start something with our school. They do an internship practicum that is a three hour course. It could work that students could come late or leave early to do this. They would have an internship and study the organization they are working for. They have 200 contact hours. Looking at doing this with service learning also with our Give-Back being 90 hours of it and the remainder in the community. They would both be elective credits. Hope to have this in place for next year. Started to do the state report card and realized we do that every year, so Amy will upload the report we do annually to BOT. Question from Clay about HSAP. We have never given that test. It needs to be removed from the report. EOCs, ACT, SATs are indicators of where our students fall in relation to other students across the state. We will be developing the strategic goals for the next year the week following teachers leaving for summer. 8 instructional staff without state certification. A lot of those were part time that year and those teachers were weighted differently and we were in compliance and we are still in compliance now, however, the weighting is different now.



Didn’t meet. Have election stuff that we did the special meetings for and should send emails out tomorrow. Eight seats up for elections. Two of which are renewals. Board members should be looking for new people- open nominations for two weeks and have a one week election period. Bridges board members don’t pay supply fees. Is that something the Board wants to consider? Or at the end of the year, your supply fee is reimbursed. Sara motioned to vote on board members having an incentive of snack and supply fees reimbursed at the end of the year for one child in May. It would apply to existing members for the 19-20 school year.



Met Tuesday. Decrease in the 135th day count which effected revenue about 30,000. They cut expenses. Car raffle will help make up the difference. The supplies and instructional services came down a bit. Had to go up on Teacher training because we had more teachers in training. Audit services went up. Legal services was bumped down to 3000. School Admin travel was bumped up and instructional equipment went down. District 2% went up a bit as a function of school funding. Down on food service and supplies, pupil activities came down also. Still in the black. First reading of the budget for next year. Important things to know now is the assumption that we are using to make this budget. 344 students. 1.02% increase for cost (pro rata increase). Staffing schedule is attached. First page says based on pro rata numbers, but it is not. This is being conservative. Puts us at a net of 4,779. If we are able to do the early buyout there will be some give in the mortgage - should be in the 30s instead of 50s, which will give a reprieve for several months. The architect bill for 11K is in this school year budget, the remainder of the bill is in the next FY. Dwayne motioned Tom seconded to approve the March financial reports. Unanimous. Preschool - 19-20 budget we decreased it by 30K to see if we would be able to balance offering the free preschool from 8 - 11. We haven’t had the go ahead from the state yet. Patrick suggested surveying the current preschool students’ parents to see what they would choose. Amy is looking into CDEP funds to offset the costs for the 4 year olds. If we can use them, we would be able to offer the PK3 free and receive funds for the 4 year olds. Sarah will contact the Charleston schools to see how many parents take advantage of it.

First reading for 2019-20 budget

S. Lemstrom made a motion to approve March financials.
P. Chester seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Anybody sold 10 tickets? Add it to the Lowcountry Lowdown. 10m



Facilities has not met. Clay asked where we stood on the procurement policy. Sara emailed the State Dept. of Ed version. The Erskine procurement policy is what our District gave us to use. Matt pulled Bridges Preparatory School’s and he combined them. Still looking for where the 5K came from as the limit. The State version didn’t apply to us in many ways. Hope to have something to vote on for the next meeting. Matt will share with Tom and he’ll review it. He has experience with them. We want to keep it simple. We need to add professional services to the procurement policy. 10 m

IV. New Business


USDA Loan update

Matt worked over the break to try to understand getting out of the lease, the change of terms for early buy-out, and the terms of EB5 funding.


Vote on engagement of EB5 attorney

P. Chester made a motion to retain the attorney for up to $5,000.
S. Lemstrom seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Virtual make up days vote

The District has been working on trying to make virtual make up days as an option for Hurricanes, etc. The details haven’t been figured out. We need the Board to approve doing it what the District approves. Becky said we overserve our SPED students so we wouldn’t need to make up those minutes. Pre-approval from the Board needed. Each level would come up with a “packet” for students to do if there is a hurricane, etc. There will be a backup plan for power loss. Teachers would share the development of the packets.
P. Chester made a motion to support virtual make-up days.
T. Vande Burgt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Expulsion process discussion

We came up with any potential expulsion we would do a summary suspension with a minimum of 48 hours to compile the statements, previous infractions, think the process through. If moving forward with expulsion, the Board is notified and given the packet so that if there is an appeal the Board has the info needed. We wanted to see if there were other suggestions from the Board. Patrick said they don’t need the packets unless the expulsion is appealed.

V. Executive Session


​​​​​​Executive Session

D. Pickett made a motion to enter executive session.
P. Chester seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
P. Chester made a motion to end the executive session.
T. Vande Burgt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Pickett made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Vande Burgt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Lemstrom