Lowcountry Montessori School
Monthly Board meeting
School Board Meeting
Published on August 23, 2022 at 4:46 PM EDT
Amended on August 23, 2022 at 5:28 PM EDT
Date and Time
Thursday August 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM EDT
Low Country Montessori School
The mission of Lowcountry Montessori School is to provide an authentic Montessori education building a foundation for lifelong learning.
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Determination of Quorum | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
1 |
C. | Reading of the Mission Statement | |
1 Read Mission Statement 2 Pledge of Allegiance 3 Invocation/moment of silence |
D. | Approval of Agenda | |
E. | Statement of Compliance with FOIA | |
II. | Consent Agenda | |
A. | Approve minutes from 7/28/2022 Regular board meeting. | |
7/28-22 approval of minutes |
III. | Public Comment | |
A. | Public comment period, limited to 3 minutes per person. | |
The LMS public comment policy: https://app2.boardontrack.com/public/6m1lWX/home
IV. | Director's Report | |
A. | July Update | |
V. | Committee Reports | |
A. | Finance Report | |
Finance update
B. | Governance | |
1.We need to make sure every one attend the online training for the new board members. 2.Upcoming training if anyone interested in going to the conference in Columbia, see Amy for sign up. 3. Good meeting with the staff for the luncheon. |
C. | Facilities | |
Update on facilities |
VI. | New Business | |
A. | Building and USDA | |
Discuss and Vote on where do we go on from here with the new building. |
B. | New Board member | |
1. We need to add a Liaison a non board member a school staff. 2. Discussion and vote on Expensify. |
VII. | Executive Session | |
A. | Executive Session | |
This session held in accordance with SC Code of Law, Title 30, Chapter 4, meaning it pertains to one or more of the following types of discussions:
VIII. | Other Business | |
A. | Vote on matters from Executive Session, if required | |
IX. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |