Summit Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 27, 2015 at 7:00 PM


27 Huntington Street

Trustees Present

A. Carter, F. Mitchell, J. Bailin, M. Bernard

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

A. Way, C. Bascomb, C. Swift, I. Louis, N. Campbell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

F. Mitchell called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 27, 2015 at 7:14 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Bailin made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-22-15 Board Meeting on 09-22-15.
M. Bernard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Formal Acceptance of Board Member Resignation

G. Stanislaus & G. Moore are stepping down from the board due to personal and time conflicts. F. Mitchell will forward resignation letters to SACS in the coming week. Board must remember to excluded resigned individuals from all board related correspondence and communication.
M. Bernard made a motion to accept G. Moore & G. Stanislaus' resignation from SACS board.
J. Bailin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Recruitment

Discussion surrounding the candidacy of N. Dominguez and his visit to SACS. Board is in need of adding members however, without abandoning the current process for the sake of numbers. Board will move forward with final stage and schedule an interview with N. Dominguez. M. Bernard to reach out to prospective candidates, M. Lawson and J. Howard to schedule time to visit SACS and conduct initial meeting. F. Mitchell proposed adding an advisory committee to assist and council but not interfere with voting. Board assessment tool has been crafted and proposed by M.Bernard. Tool is composed of four main categories: Leadership Roles, Board Composition, Governance Effectiveness, Fundraising. The following will be a short term assessment tool for the board to utilize in the meantime to grow and build board. M. Bernard will distribute tool to board so that each member may make additions and corrections if necessary.


Board Recruitment Continued

Discussion surrounding making N. Campbell a voting member of board. Such change will be on a trial basis and at the board's digression. Voting power of CEO can be revoked when the board determine's they no longer need assistance.
M. Bernard made a motion to make N.Campbell voting member of board.
J. Bailin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Academic Excellence


Academic Excellence Committee Leadership

J. Bailin expressed difficulty to lead and meet with academic committee on regular basis. Academic committee to meet to discuss changes and steps to move forward (committee members: J. Bailin, C. Swift, N. Campbell).


Academic Achievement Presentation by Principal Swift

SACS has hired a Learning Supports Coordinator who will start on Nov. 4th. -Spanish candidate is on deck and is currently in hiring process. -SACS has a new vacancy teaching vacancy: the 8th grade science teacher had to leave SACS for personal reasons. SACS is looking to transition Mr. Russo to the full-time science role as opposed to him functioning as both a math and science teacher. - SACS still needs more learning supports staff members. - SACS has enrolled seven (7) new scholars as of 10/27/15. - Average Daily Attendance for September was at over 80% for the entire school and close to 95% for both 6th and 12th grades. - Curriculum and Instruction: CT3 - Real time teacher coaching works around the No-Nonsense Nurturing and was implemented. -Additionally, goal setting by grade has been implemented and each teacher has proposed as well as set grades they believe each scholar will earn at the end of course.


Academic Achievement Presentation by Principal Swift continued

Master Connects has been implemented and provides a community of teachers that SACS instructors will be able to connect with and share lesson plans, classroom assignments, etc. Such a tool will add to the efficiency and time management of SACS teachers. -SACS elected lead teachers by subject to make for more specific and structured instruction. -Discussion surrounding important November dates (see attached). -C. Swift then outlined some key areas of need and growth some of which include the addition of a PA system, fostering better relationship with neighboring schools and more board involvement (see attached). C.Swift to reach out to board with steps made by SACS to mitigate risk on litigation against school re:communication during emergency situations. Discussion surrounding upcoming SACS events. I.Louis to distribute event dates via email.

IV. Finance Committee


Review of 2015-2016 Budget

No budget review. Item will be discussed at November meeting.


Audit Review

Discussion surrounding improved financial standing. M. Bernard recommends that the board amend current bylaws that require ED to request permission to make purchases. Recommendation is to implement daily spending limit and if ED/SACS needs to surpass limit then they must seek approval from finance committee. -Audit report outlines that SACS surplus is at $730,515 for the 2015-2016 year. SACS received one red flag on the audit report regarding board meeting numbers for 2014-2015 fiscal year as they did not meet requirements. Discussion surrounding remedying this matter via active board engagement and recruitment.

V. CEO Evaluation


Committee Update

ED has agreed to proposed contract that was distributed.

VI. Development


Development Update

Discussion of scholar community engagement and partnerships with organizations such as but not limited to The Lowline and Farmigo. - Further discussion surrounding the development office's fundraising efforts. Thus far, six proposals were sent out in September & October to various foundations two of which SACS was denied funding. - Board Cultivation & Revitalization efforts: prospect of commencing Principal for a Day program to give members opportunity to visit school during academic day. J.Bailin to send I. Louis prospective participation dates. -Review of Board giving to date.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
I. Louis