Summit Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 22, 2015 at 7:00 PM


27 Huntington Street

Trustees Present

A. Carter, E. Moore, F. Mitchell, G. Stanislaus (remote), J. Bailin, M. Bernard

Trustees Absent

A. Carbone

Guests Present

Andrew Way, Chad Bascombw, Cheryl Swift, Essence Caleb, I. Louis, N. Campbell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

I. Louis called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Sep 22, 2015 at 7:11 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Bailin made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 06-16-15 Board Meeting on 06-16-15.
E. Moore seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Meeting Attendance


Review of proposed meeting dates for fiscal year (concrete & tentative)

Review of dates and updated meeting dates are as follows: -October 27; -November 17; -December 8; -January 12; -Feb. 9, March, 9; -April 12; -May 17; -June 14. Meeting Dates in Feb.- June to be reevaluated at Dec. meeting.


Board Assessment Tool

-M.Bernard introduced alternative assessment tool and proposes for board to utilize it to assess prospective members and the productivity of current members. -F.Mitchell and M. Bernard to meet to create overview and sample of newly proposed assessment tool structure. -


Board Member Role & Committee Elections

Office and committee positions for the 2015-2016 fiscal year as follows: Office Positions 2015-2016: President --> F. Mitchell Vice Chair --> M. Bernard Treasurer --> M. Bernard Secretary --> A. Carter; Committee Roles: Academic Excellence --> J. Bailin Governance --> G. Moore Finance --> M. Bernard CEO Evaluation --> F. Mitchell Development --> A. Carter


Board Retreat

-Holding a board strategy and goal setting meeting will be beneficial to the success of this fiscal/academic year. -Reconstruct meeting to a strategic planning meeting. -I. Louis to distribute Doodle poll of prospective dates to host board retreat.


Board Recruitment Event Recap

F. Mitchell is in correspondence with two candidates that attended event who are interested in learning more about SACS. F. Mitchell to fully engage candidates. F. Mitchell to send board candidate resumes after he commences further conversation with candidates.

III. Academic Excellence


Committee Update

No discussion. C. Swift to provide full report.


Academic Achievement Presentation by Principal Swift

-SACS platinum staff consists of 61 individuals: HS 35%, MS 24%, instructional leadership 20%, operations 16%. -Staffing needs are as follows: learning supports coordinator, French teacher, Spanish teacher, HS learning supports -ELA x2, Learning Supports for HS Social studies and Math, Learning Supports for MS Math and Science. SACS is not in compliance with our SPED department. We need to move forward with plan to hire the above mentioned learning supports teachers. -SACS has a required CTT setting: 36 scholars are currently in CTT setting however, SACS cannot charge for SPED services. - Enrollment is down due to a number of issues. One being the commute and recent incidents of violence that occurred earlier this year. -Discussion surrounding marketing efforts for scholar recruitment. - ELA State assessment date overview of 2013-2014 academic year and 2014-2015 academic year (data attached). - Math state assessment data overview (data attached)
SACS has introduced new & improved initiatives to make for more efficient and seamless communication among staff and scholars. However, there are areas of growth that need tending to such as but not limited to further board engagement, relationship building with surrounding and co-located schools, improved scholar recruitment, facilities, etc. - With this said, SACS has also made significant strides: 2 scholars have made it to second round in Posse Scholarship, SACS first HS graduation is scheduled for June 22, SACS has been accepted to the P.S. Athletic League Assoc. and received NCAA clearance.

IV. Finance Committee


Review of 2015-2016 Budget

Enrollment numbers have decreased and the budget has thus been subject to changed and leaves SACS with a deficit. - Fundraising goal for board and SACS needs to be determined so that an aggressive plan can be enacted to remedy deficit. - F. Mitchell proposes for board to vote on budget at Oct. 27 meeting.

V. Development


Development Update

Treasurer, M. Bernard to drive board giving with the assistance of committee. - Fundraising event ideas to be fleshed out further at board retreat. A. Carter to present four fundraising initiatives and ideas at next meeting.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
I. Louis